This is wonderful work. I pray these policy proposals are or become something given serious consideration by nationalist American politicians. Nice work on the financial ramifications that any, "fiscal conservative", may consider. For our side, I think understanding the headwinds we face from the corporate interests that are on the winning side of the toilet paper fallacy by understanding the wealth transfer they are reaping is helpful. Showing both sides of the ledger, both the costs of the large, non-European albatross populations and the dispossession windfall being reaped by corporations and merchant interests will be very useful. For the latter, it gives us a non-racial enemy to focus our ire upon. Someone recently made the case that having an enemy is perhaps the most powerful force in politics. An open fight should be carefully deliberated, though look at any commercial any hiring and promotion policy and the other side has clearly and openly declared war upon us.

Wonderful work. Wonderful, wonderful work on this series. Keep at it!

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I wonder how the changes proposed would affect housing, rentals, the stock market and our economy as a whole. Who would fill the jobs non-Whites are doing now? Could White Americans on the dole have their benefits incrementally reduced so they could get off their asses and fill the positions? Maybe it’s a moot point since automation is increasing. I wonder what race eats the most fast food? Surely some of those businesses will close…

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Hi SwordOfLight!

The American economy will be just fine! Whites are just 54% of the population but own 88.8% of all stocks in the market. Whites are also responsible for about 80% of all consumer spending.

It is true that some businesses would contract, as once minority areas see their populations shrink, but this is already happening. Morgan Stanley issued a 2022 report showing that big brands like Starbucks and Walmart were already retreating from "urban cores" (non-White cities) and everyone knows about the pharmacies closing already due to the constant Black crime.

It is extremely likely that after an initial bump in closures new locations and new businesses will spring up across the country as Whites reclaim the cities and require services.

Similarly, housing prices will go down (which is a good thing, many young people are priced out today), but it won't be any kind of catastrophic collapse of the market. Whites are roughly 75% of all homeowners and recent surveys show Whites are still buying about 81% of the homes that come onto the market.

There would, in fact, be a massive gain of wealth for Millennials and Zoomers coming into adulthood as they will be able to get a foot onto the housing ladder. Something most of them have been priced out of. Housing prices have more than doubled (the same with rent) since 2019.

Your fast food question is quite entertaining. A recent study published by the National Institutes of Health show that Blacks and Hispanics rely the most on fast food as a portion fo their daily caloric intake. Black areas of the country have 2.5 fast food locations per square mile, while White areas have just 1.5 locations per square mile.

As for Whites not in work, or on the dole, the reality is that most Whites are "underemployed". Working, but not sufficiently able to gain an income. There are several reasons for this, but one of the major ones is that White men are systematically refused access to much of the labor force in favor of women and minorities.

American Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), the primary association of and for general contractors in the United State specifically recruit and encourage contracting companies to recruit women and non-Whites. Simlarly, the trucking industry has been on a decade long mission of diversifying, and it's been largely successful.

Repatriation creates ample job opportunities for men in particular, and will largely solve the underemployment crisis which plagues millions of White men.

We here at White Papers are not principally against a welfare state, but we are against the expansive, anti-White, and overly complex welfare state that has been created by a run away state.

Many programs would shrink radically in size simply from repatriation. 80% of rental assistance recipients (think section 8 etc) are non-White. While just 37% of SNAP (Food Stamp) receiptients are white.

Again, we are 54% of the population and Whites use welfare "as intended". Meaning as a tool to help them stay afloat between jobs and during tough times, not as a permanent crutch.

For example, a single White mother will average about 21.6 months on any form of public assistance, but a Black female will average 45.2 months. Many welfare programs are purposefully designed (at a time the country was overwhelmingly White) to assume that someone would use it for (at most) two years to stabilize themselves.

Whites use welfare less than intended, non-Whites use it far more than intended. Most welfare spending will fall away as we repatriate, and most Whites will never be on it chronically to begin with.

Thank you for the questions!

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