The only flaw in this entire article is the phrase, “…base policy off of…”. It should be “base policy on”. Base off of is an awkward and nonsensical phrase that should be banned from the vocabulary of every thinking and literate person.

Other than that tiny, tiny and inconsequential (though highly annoying) flaw, 100%. 💯

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deletedJun 26
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I once had an African “doctor” at an ER after I cut sliced my finger open doing yard work. (Literally Nigerian) After 20 minutes and 5 failed tries at numbing it so she could sew it up, I remembered a scene from Excalibur where Guinevere sews up Arthur’s battle inflicted chest wound. It was then that I told the her to just sew it up without it being numb. I let her close the wound without making a face or saying anything about the pain so she wouldn’t have the satisfaction.

I have often wondered if she was incompetent or just enjoyed inflicting pain on Whitey. The problem is that it’s damn difficult to find a White doctor who isn’t 90 years old, so what can you do.

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