Two Questions:

1. The United States is undergoing the exact same ethnic cleansing of Americans in every facet of life. It isn't just public institutions but private institutions. Do we have smoking gun documents? I did do an expose on the ethnic cleansing of the US military and pieced together things with some gum shoe detective work. (https://periheliuslux.substack.com/p/americas-south-africanization-accelerates) I would love to see more official documentation, as surely the US oligarchy is working from the exact same plan. Like the Tories, the Republicans do the same by running gubernatorial candidates in Kentucky that look like every advertisement in all media channels and almost seemed designed to repulse and demoralize the key target of the project: White men.

2. Are there public figures in the UK who are actively and openly calling attention to this? It seems that Harrison Pitt of New Culture Forum would be a great person to do so. It also seems that getting a single person in Parliament to openly read this and renounce it while recording it on a iPhone and posting to Twitter/YT/Rumble ... ... would be very helpful. QR code leaflet distribution of a video documenting this would be important as well.

Even knowing this is happening this article creates a sinking feeling. Nonetheless, we must confront this and build our knowledge of just how sinister and intentional this project is.

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I’m enjoying the article but there is a typo in the first sentence and another in the last sentence of the second paragraph which could do with correction.

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