Some Questions (And Answers) About Repatriation and Its Consequences
Stocks, Housing, the Job Market, and More!
There has been an overwhelmingly positive response to our latest article on repatriation entitled: Those Who Want to Go: A More Expansive Great Repatriation.
This piece built upon our previous work, showing that some 51 million people could be repatriated to their homelands from the United States, and expanded the figures on potential repatriates to 86.1 million by showing that there are tens of millions of non-Whites who would leave the United States if they had the resources to do so.
There have been several comments on social media and Substack from our readers, asking quite interesting questions. One supporter in particular, SwordOfLight, asked a series of very relevant questions that will form the backbone of this Q&A.
His original comment reads:
“I wonder how the changes proposed would affect housing, rentals, the stock market and our economy as a whole. Who would fill the jobs non-Whites are doing now? Could White Americans on the dole have their benefits incrementally reduced so they could get off their asses and fill the positions? Maybe it’s a moot point since automation is increasing. I wonder what race eats the most fast food? Surely some of those businesses will close…”
We are going to respond to each of his points in some detail and show that post-repatriation America will be a much stronger country than the current multicultural America has become.
All statistics that mention Whites will be representative of non-Hispanic Whites (not including Arabs, Jews, Turks, etc) who currently constitute about 54% of the American population.
Q: What Will Happen to Housing and Rentals?
Data provided by the Census Bureau from September of 2023 shows that 73% of homeowners in the United States are White. Whites are also buying the largest share of homes. Forbes shed yet more light on housing and race, using a 2023 report from the National Association of Realtors, to show that 88% of those buying homes in the past decade (post-financial crisis) have been White Americans.
Whites constitute only 50.2% of renters, and 17% of these renters could afford to buy a “median-priced” home if they so choose. This is double the share of minorities (not including Asians) who could afford to move from renting to owning a home.
The result of repatriation from the country would be a decline in house prices, as millions of units come onto the market, but nowhere near a “collapse” in the housing market.
This refreshed housing ladder would enable tens of millions of Whites currently priced out of the housing market to buy a home and start a family (studies have shown that for every $100,000 gained in housing wealth, a couple is 18% more likely to have a child).
These young Whites would gain equity, real property, and a major asset for the first time in their life and it would have positive effects on White fertility. Thereby helping to repopulate further post-repatriation areas which Whites would move into. In most cases reclaiming these areas their ancestors are responsible for originally building.
Q: What of The Stock Market and Economy?
Here too Whites are already the dominant force, despite being only 54% of the American population.
According to an in-depth analysis by the Motley Fool, White Americans own about 88.8% of all stocks on the market today - stocks worth upwards of $35 trillion.
Another 9.9% of stocks are owned by people classified as “other”. A category that most likely includes Arab and Jewish persons, who massively chose the “other” category on the most recent census. As well as foreigners who buy stock.
Because foreigners can buy and hold stock, it is likely that potential repatriates who currently own stock will continue to do so once they depart the United States. There is no contradiction between repatriation and the health of the American stock market. A market that is dominated by Whites already.
Then there is consumer spending. Whites, again a mere 54% of the population, are responsible for about 80% of consumer spending in the American economy. Another recent study, from the University of Georgia, puts the White share of consumer spending at 82.8% of the national total.
It is further worth mentioning that Whites and non-Whites spend their consumptive dollars differently. Blacks and Hispanics are 30% more likely to spend their money on clothing, jewelry, etc. Items that are imported from abroad and sold by large corporations. Whites on the other hand spend more of their consumer dollars on small and medium-sized businesses in their local communities. Whites also own 80% of the country’s small businesses.
Mainstreet in a post-repatriation America will remain strong while mega-corporations and their Chinese suppliers will take the largest profit hit.
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Q: Who Will Take Up Those Jobs Held by Non-Whites?
The simple answer is White people (and robots)!
One of the most pernicious myths in modern America is that Whites just "will not work hard!” and do certain dirty work that they feel is below them. This is a myth that is, unfortunately, mostly pushed by the mainstream Conservative movement.
First off, Whites are very willing to do hard and dangerous labor. Whites are 86.9% of boundary workers (an incredibly dangerous job). Whites are also 91.9% of sawmill workers, 75.6% of chemical manufacturing workers, 85.3% of the electrical workforce, and 87.3% of those who work with water and sewage.
Whites, specifically White men, are more than happy to do dangerous work when proper precautions and most importantly proper pay is provided. What Whites won’t do is work for a pittance.
Other industries like food processing and the harvesting of vegetables and agricultural products are dominated by other groups, notably Hispanics. What goes unsaid is that agricultural workers in the United States have a median wage of just $29,680. This wage is 57% lower than the average median income for a White household.
Additionally, agricultural workers are not entitled to overtime pay in most states and are not extended the same workers’ rights as many other industries. There is no Federally protected right for farm workers to organize, as they were deliberately excluded from the National Labor Relations Act.
Post repatriation these industries will have no choice but to adopt White workers, who will demand better standards and higher pay. While other reforms, such as grants to introduce mechanization into agriculture, can both enable wage increases and save farmers significant capital.
Q: What About Whites on Welfare? How Do We Get Them Working?
The best piece of news here is that Whites are, by and large, not welfare-dependent. The bad news is that because of the anti-White environment in modern America Whites do struggle to find appropriate employment.
there are roughly 8.5 million prime-age (25-54-year-old) White men who are currently unemployed, under-employed, or not in the labor force. Many of these men once held jobs in the manufacturing, trucking, construction, and other sectors, jobs which are now gone or no longer open to them.
As just one example: the American Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), the primary association of and for general contractors in the United States, announced in 2019 that it was interested in giving women and minorities “every possible opportunity” to enter their workforce, thereby pushing out White men.
In another example is the trucking industry, an industry once dominated by White males. Today it is rapidly seeking to diversify and has been largely successful in doing.
And this trend is not only affecting working-class Whites. Fortune 500 companies added more than 323,000 jobs in 2021, a staggering 94% of which went to non-White hires.
All of the above explains why White wages, and especially the wages of White males, have not grown since 2019 while the wages of non-Whites have increased significantly in the post-pandemic era.
Most White men want to be working, and most still are, but many more labor against and under a system that is no longer interested in employing them. These policies can be changed by a nationalist administration and a comprehensive industrial policy, of which repatriation is a major constituent part.
Still, welfare use is a real thing and a concern that many White Americans have. We should preface here by saying that the White Papers team is not principally against public assistance programs in a cohesive, homogenous, nation. However, the modern American welfare state is a labyrinthine set of institutions that primarily function as a wealth transfer mechanism from Whites to non-Whites.
The good news is that welfare spending would essentially become a non-issue in a post repatriation America.
76% of rental assistance (section 8 etc) is spent on non-Whites. Currently, the Federal government is spending about. This means that of the roughly $67 billion spent in 2023 on rental assistance programs about $51 billion went to non-Whites.
SNAP is another program where non-Whites dominate. 62,2% of SNAP recipients were non-White. Including Jewish SNAP users, who we removed from the 'White' category.
The SNAP (food stamp) program cost $119 billion in 2022, the largest amount to date for the program. Just 37,8% of SNAP recipients were White (a full 16% lower than the White share of the US population)
In total $74 billion of the SNAP (food stamp) budget will have been paid to non-Whites in FY2022, and just $45 to Whites.
It's worth noting that this one program equates to nearly all state and local taxes paid by the Hispanic population in a single year (76 billion dollars). SNAP, like most welfare programs, acts as a massive form of wealth transfer from the White populace to the non-White population with only a small share of Whites collecting benefits themselves.
Another particularly egregious example of a tax burden on Whites is the Medicaid program.
In Fiscal Year 2022, the Medicaid and CHIPS programs cost the American taxpayer (80% of whom are White) some $824 billion dollars. The demographics of Medicaid recipients are 39.4% White and 60.6% non-White. Assuming that spending is roughly equal across racial groups (and it isn’t) this would mean that Medicaid spending on non-Whites was $500 billion dollars in FY 2022.
Yet another example is the Social Security Disability benefits program. The Federal government spent $143 billion in FY2022 on Social Security Disability payments with 88% of the recipients of those payments being non-White. This means that $126 billion was spent in SSDI payments on non-Whites in 2022.
Just the spending outlined above, which is a small selection of welfare programs, is some $768 billion, or 55% of the $1.4 trillion Federal budget deficit in 2022.
Another interesting study from 2001 shows that over an eight-year period, just 11.9% of White women would make use of public welfare programs, while 49.7% of Black women and 36.2% of Hispanic women would be on public assistance at some point during this time period.
In another study, it was shown that the average White woman would make use of welfare programs for 21.6 months, less than two years. While the average Black female would utilize welfare programs for a total of 45.2 months, or nearly 4 years, and more than twice as long as a White female recipient.
Still, there is a small subset of Whites who are reliant on public welfare programs for long durations of time. Some of these people are genuinely disabled, widowed, etc, while a small few are not.
One solution, suggested by Oren Cass of the American Compass institution, was that certain programs like SNAP benefits and rental assistance, be paid through employment. A worker would receive their SNAP and rental assistance dollars through their paycheck, and as their income increased over time the share of this income derived from benefits would be steadily reduced.
This option seems quite reasonable.
One thing that is not reasonable is the gargantuan portion of public spending (White tax dollars) which are spent on populations of non-Whites. Whites derive much less benefit from the trillions in welfare spending which they fund.
A post-repatriation America would still be remarkably wealthy, have the largest economy in the world, be robustly employed, have a secure housing market, and a large stock market, and be poised to turn around the fiscal ship in terms of the national debt and deficit.
White Americans deserve a better, freer, more prosperous future and repatriation is perhaps the most significant constituent part of ensuring that future comes about.
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A fantastic article, thank you! I’m honored to have my questions answered so promptly and turned into an article to boot! These statistics and facts are staggering.
If this information was on the nightly news, Whites, since we are inherently fair, would soon become outraged and primed even more to take action against immigration upon seeing the injustices against us proven numerically. With your excellent research and reporting of the data outlining the problems and solutions, a new vision for our future as Whites is becoming realistic and clear.