The Great American Worker
The Nation functions in spite of its burgeoning minority population, not because of it.
Historic Americans have been told for decades that “diversity is a strength” and that immigrants are needed for a variety of jobs and tasks. There exists, in the narrative of the neoliberal ruling class, jobs which “Americans just won’t do”, such as pick fruit or build homes. While in other cases, Americans are fed stories about labor shortages which are “limiting economic growth”. A narrative which is being broadly pushed at the current moment, especially by the Chamber of Commerce.

We have made many proposals regarding a Great Repatriation, meaning: an attempt to reverse the demographic decline of Heritage Americans in the United States. One of the primary concerns which we have yet to address, however, is the working population of the United States. Who will pave the roads, care for the sick, pick the fruit, and ensure that businesses are able to find enough workers to function?
The answer is the American people!
In a previous piece entitled The Great American Crisis we covered how, despite declining recruitment, Whites still make up the vast majority of the public servants in the United States. Nearly 75% of healthcare workers, 76% of police officers, 85% of EMS workers, and 84% of firefighters. To name but a few professions.
But, what about those jobs in the private sector or the trades based professions which Americans rely upon every day? What would happen to those positions and related services if America began reversing the Great Replacement?
It seems sensible to begin with an age old refrain of the Chamber of Commerce and Republican party. That “the fruit will rot in the fields!” without cheap immigrant labor.
Whites make up the largest share of farm workers, at 45% of the total agricultural workforce in the United States. While Hispanics come in second place at 40% of the nation’s agricultural workforce. This means that, despite popular portrayal, great American farm is still overwhelmingly powered by the management, labor and toil of the Europeans who founded the country and through Manifest Destiny civilized an entire continent..
Regardless, losing a large percentage of the farm workforce may seem like a hobble, until one takes into account several factors. Farm laborers are only 1.3% of the total US working population, and these numbers decline more and more with each passing year.
At the same time agricultural technology is changing in profound ways, and this is investment and development increasing at a rapid rate. Nearly 35% of harvesting platforms are going through some form of automation process. Many of these platforms do not replace the worker wholesale, but enable them to do a more efficient job. Often requiring less workers to do the task than. When a worker can stand on a robot platform which propels itself, and which can provide them with shade, misting or even fans, the worker’s quality of life and wages can increase substantially.
Another important industry, and one which is often viewed as replete with immigrant and minority labor, is that of construction. Once again, however, White Americans remain the backbone of the national workforce, representing 61% of all construction workers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This share is roughly 7% above the White share of the population, meaning Whites are once again pulling more than their share of the weight in keeping the nation moving.
Another myth worth debunking is that idea that illegal aliens are “hard workers” looking to make money to improve their lot in life. Data from shows that roughly 34% of all illegal aliens of prime working age are not engaged in the labour force.
The United States will clearly not implode from a lack of cheap illegal alien labor, nor will the nation collapse if it lacks legal alien labor, for that matter. The American nation is driven primarily by one group of people: Heritage Americans with centuries old roots in this country.
This does, however, bring to light a problem which the current American state is disinterested in solving: unemployment and underemployment among prime age White men.
Roughly 8.5 million prime age (25-54 year old) White men are currently unemployed, under-employed or not in the labour force. Research by the Institute for Family Studies shows that these men are not lazy, disinterested or otherwise “broken” by some personal fault. Rather, many are plagued by a childhood spent in the now all-too-common and deeply dysfunctional single-parent households which blanket the nation. Others are suffering from the same mental health crisis which is leading White men, who make up 70% of suicides in the United States, to kill themselves en masse each year.
Men, White and others, are left behind by a government and society which treats them as surplus to requirements, a burden, and as a social contagion which must be contained. The broken state of the American family limits opportunities, and an ever worsening mental health crisis compounds it all.

In a country which would be proud to be American, and which would be engaged in a program of demographic repair, men will once again take up their place of respect and dignity. These near 9 million unemployed White males can be set to work in a country they can once again call their own, and which once again respects their contributions.
White men are nearly 85% of net taxpayers, even in a country where Whites are less than 55% of the population today. Whites also take less tax benefits than any other racial group, save for Asians. The state’s budget will remain robust, tax dollars will continue to be paid in, and out, and expenditure can drop with many fewer non-White dependents abusing the American safety net.
Doctors, 56.2% of whom are White, will have smaller patient loads and more time to spend with patients, while big business will be forced to pay White workers a dignified and living wage.
If 34% of illegals in prime working age are unemployed surely a good portion of this must be caused by their illegal status hindering employment opportunities.
Wonderful artlce. One point that wasn't presented however: White people are willing to do many of these fruit picking and other hard farm labor jobs but not for the terrible pay with no protections or benefits that illegals and non-whites are willing to put up with.