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It's 100% true that "the elite cannot be trusted to do what is right for White countries."

However, a perhaps even-bigger problem is that a sizable plurality if not an outright majority of Whites themselves are in favor of mass migration -- or at least, are unwilling to do anything "mean-spirited" (read: effective) to stop it.

In the U.S. some 70% of people are against "illegal" mass migration. But only 24% of Americans say that LEGAL immigration should be decreased, while fully 34% of Americans -- a plurality on this issue -- support INCREASING legal migration. (Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/06/28/shifting-public-views-on-legal-immigration-into-the-u-s/ )

In other words, while the elites are a problem, in my view they are not the ultimate problem. The ultimate problem is Progressivism / Universalism, which holds as its fundamental and central tenet that "all men are created equal."

Progressivism (or Universalism) is the unacknowledged state religion of every major Western polity. It is the official platform of both major American political parties, and comprises the personal dearly-held beliefs of over 99% of Americans. Is is essentially Christianity without the supernatural aspects, or what British historian Tom Holland called "secular Christianity" (in his 2019 book "Dominion.")

This wrong belief leads directly to the pernicious conclusion that "all men" deserve to live in the United States (or in the West.) After all, if we're all "equal," why should some of us be consigned to live in poverty in "shithole countries" just because we were born there? That's injustice!

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