Your blog and podcast are the best in the movement. I love the breadth and depth of your research. I love most of all the bold, unapologetic stands you take on issues including repatriation. I hope my subscription is pulling enough weight in helping you continue and expand your efforts. You do incredible work. Thank you!

Oh, and nice intro/outro music.

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Thank you! Cyan and I strive to be as accurate and morally confident in our positions as we possibly can. At the same time I would like to think we are open enough to new information that it allows us to adapt and change in order to keep a sense of versatility to the Institute!

Your subscription helps a great deal, more than anything we are thankful for our donors and the incredible outpouring of support you have shown us in a relatively short period of time.

I picked the intro/outro music. I was amazed something so good was available on one of those free-to-use websites.

- James

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Your leftist bent is showing in this episode, thats too bad. None of that will work in a country that has so many third worlders and will lead to more disasters than we have now. Still love what yall are doing, but just because everyone else does something, it's no reason at all for us to do it. Cheers!! Keep up the great work.

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I would hope that we make it pretty clear our policy visions and discussions are within "the vision" of a much Whiter and explicitly pro-White country.

Diversity makes things like large-scale unionization near impossible (see the Amazon research on the topic, for example). Public services are also impossible to maintain in a diverse country (see our piece 'The Great American Crisis').

In order to have strong labour unions, efficient services, and a far cheaper to maintain state we must have a much Whiter nation-state, thus our work in the ongoing "Great Repatriation" series!

Hope your weekend was wonderful,

James (the Director)

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