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Cyan asked about whether integration worked. I have read about this topic extensively and this is the best study that I have seen, which is not saying much.


There are two points from the executive summary that I want to call attention to.

· White student achievement in schools with the highest Black student density did not differ from White student achievement in schools with the lowest density.

[comment: Academic achievement is largely a function of IQ and parental support in k-12, so this is not surprising. This does not look at issues like bullying and discipline, which are problems in majority black schools.]

· The Black–White achievement gap was larger in the highest density schools than in the lowest density schools.

[comment: In schools with low black students density, the black students are given extensive support (one-on-one tutoring) and spread among several classrooms, so for things like group projects the black students can be paired with higher-performing white students. In high black student density schools, the number of students needing support simply overwhelms the system.]

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