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I am really enjoying catching up on the back episodes since I have subscribed. Something that hit me when discussing the 1964 Hart Cellar is this. When that was passed, the baby boomer generation was at its peak. America did not have a shortage of people. In fact, had we encouraged pro-natalist policies we wouldn't be facing the situation we are today.

All that is to say, that aside from either outright lying about not changing the demographic makeup of our country or making an ever accelerating, "mistake", not having enough labor wasn't true at the time it was passed. Another aspect of the, we need more workers sophistry that might be good for some analysis is the idea that you have more need of production that requires more people. How can you have productivity growth when your consumption outstrips production? There is something very rotten in Denmark with this picture. Of course, at the same time, America started paying huge swaths of its population not to work through the, "Great Society." Yet more old fish hiding in a Dumpster somewhere.

This might make an interesting topic and the answers might make for some good policy suggestions and support the debates around implementation.

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