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Hi Team, thanks for the response to my queries on the Meloni post, I did listen in.

Managing foreign influences in Western institutions is a controversial subject, I'm glad to hear and read you're conscious of it and pushing that knowledge as is suitable for the different platforms. The highly ethnocentric foreign minority that controls the majority of finance and media is really the majority of the problem.

On the environmental theme, it would be interesting to discuss the cost-benefits of dealing with different environmental problems. I was very concerned about "climate change" in the 90s when I was in university as we were told that New York and Miami would be under water by now. As that failed to transpire, and I educated myself more on the matter, I've come to view climate change and carbon taxes as comparable to mass immigration - they are a tool to weaken Western nations, and public support has been manufactured through media narratives. In this case, support for imposing universal wealth transfer taxes that benefit the Regime and impoverish Whites, cynically leveraging sincere impulses to responsibly steward the environment and care for the community.

However, I know many in the nationalist movement are younger, and often more attached to the messages they received from media, including feeling that climate change is a sincere problem.

By contrast, I look at collapsing sperm counts, estrogen mimics and mercury filling the oceans and food supply, and other such issues as our most critical environmental issues.

Some discussion of where White Papers places priorities around 'climate change' vs other issues would be interesting.

I think a platform that rejects carbon taxes and climate hysteria would be optimal for all Nationalist Parties, viewing it as part of International Finance's impoverishment strategy, but I have no idea what a Nationalist poll would look like on that issue in different countries.

Thanks for all the work!

(Mr.) Von West

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