Thanks for your article. In relation to your point about woman parliamentarians not representing the real (genetic) interests of women, one could add that there are still a majority of White parliamentarians, men and women, but with nary an exception NONE of them represent the real interest of their ancestors in the continuation of White civilization and the White people to whom they entrusted it.
It’s two months since I last read this article and I am a little surprised no-one else has made any comments but I’ll venture another: I’m sure that, although you might understand it, you don’t applaud the rise of Andrew Tate. Tate has been obviously boosted by the system, through its attacks on him, as a limited hangout, scooping up disaffected young men and encouraging them into materialism and misogyny. Most young men have been taught to behave morally, suppressing their own violent and sexual urges, since they were pre-schoolers. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about the education of todays young women, which increasingly encourages them into competitive, violent sports and more or less mandates the wearing of provocative clothing, whilst discouraging non-mediated interactions with men. This is most unfair on young men who see their womenfolk whom they want to idolise parading their bodies. Perhaps this is mostly for show, and they are not as available online as is pretended, but it has a terribly demoralising effect on those young men who are simply looking for one woman to adore.
Thanks for your article. In relation to your point about woman parliamentarians not representing the real (genetic) interests of women, one could add that there are still a majority of White parliamentarians, men and women, but with nary an exception NONE of them represent the real interest of their ancestors in the continuation of White civilization and the White people to whom they entrusted it.
It’s two months since I last read this article and I am a little surprised no-one else has made any comments but I’ll venture another: I’m sure that, although you might understand it, you don’t applaud the rise of Andrew Tate. Tate has been obviously boosted by the system, through its attacks on him, as a limited hangout, scooping up disaffected young men and encouraging them into materialism and misogyny. Most young men have been taught to behave morally, suppressing their own violent and sexual urges, since they were pre-schoolers. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about the education of todays young women, which increasingly encourages them into competitive, violent sports and more or less mandates the wearing of provocative clothing, whilst discouraging non-mediated interactions with men. This is most unfair on young men who see their womenfolk whom they want to idolise parading their bodies. Perhaps this is mostly for show, and they are not as available online as is pretended, but it has a terribly demoralising effect on those young men who are simply looking for one woman to adore.