In keeping with my commitment to White Nationalism, I look at the situation in Vermont (and on a smaller scale Seattle) as an example of White happens when Whites are left exposed to 'ideologies' that are built on White self-hatred and 'individualism' rather than a positive White racial consciousness.

Without such pro-White environmental signaling other forms of behavioral signaling are allowed to take over the lives of Whites and these 'neoliberal' signals are almost entirely corrosive of White well-being.

The difference between 'liberalism' and 'neoliberalism' is largely the latter's selling of self-destructive hedonism as a 'consumer choice'.

Consequently, Whites with no racial consciousness and no ability to construct one from the anti-White cultural resources bombarding them fall into self-comforting by any means necessary.

But as I pointed out in my post 'White Love is Self-Love is White Love', White self-worth cannot be build on anti-White resources. Whites need pro-White culture in order to have healthy self-image and develop positive self-esteem.

As a White Nationalist, I believe Whites are able to absorb beneficial behaviors if such behaviors are reinforced by their environment. Other races are not so capable.

The foundation of White Nationalism is 'Whites caring about Whites because they are White (and no other reason)' and that is why I believe that a thoroughgoing White Nationalism can redeem any individual White as well as entire White areas that have absorbed the cultural toxin of anti-Whiteness.

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Conservative, usually religious, communities set a standard of not yielding to temptation. Measuring up to that standard is the basis of self-respect and unity. Failing to adhere to it in a healthy community usually has immediately evident adverse social or legal consequences.

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