Not only did this crime happen. It happened while America's ruling class was willfully de-industrializing America. They were openly touting the service economy. Remember? I remember Clinton telling blue collar Americans they were going to have to use their brains. He could have at least dispossessed Indians of American hotels and set up a program for unemployed American workers to move into the hotel and service station industry.
Odds are, that The Clinton Foundation, got lots of money from this lobby group. This must be remedied. What is the policy position to correct this injustice?
Not only did this crime happen. It happened while America's ruling class was willfully de-industrializing America. They were openly touting the service economy. Remember? I remember Clinton telling blue collar Americans they were going to have to use their brains. He could have at least dispossessed Indians of American hotels and set up a program for unemployed American workers to move into the hotel and service station industry.
Odds are, that The Clinton Foundation, got lots of money from this lobby group. This must be remedied. What is the policy position to correct this injustice?
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