These are well-done! If you are looking for something _else_ to do one thing to consider is single-page pdfs specifically for emails to state-level public officials. Frequently they open their own email. While they will not read a multi-page paper or go to a website, something that is well laid out for readability and can be digested in about 90 seconds will generally be read.

State-level officials tend to become federal officials and will have been exposed to our ideas before they are harder to reach.

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Nice to hear from you again!

This is an excellent idea. I think the formatting of many of our telegram posts (under 300 words) would be the perfect thing to put into a well modelled and designed PDF format. I may put some together and get your opinion (via email correspondence) later!

Hope all is well and Merry Chirstmas,


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What sort of information would you think would cut-through the anti-White programming enough for them to stick their necks out for Whites? Elected officials care most about two things: votes and money. 'Policy' never goes against both of these things at the same time.

I am totally supportive of pro-White focusing on local politics. But what pro-Whites should be promoting is nullificationist politics, not 'pro-White politics'. This is the more efficient way to get closer to our goal of self-determination than trying to roll back almost 100 years of brainwashing about 'America' as a 'nation of immigrants' or 'the land of opportunity' or 'land of equal rights'.

You and I can be pro-White and we can encourage those Whites around us to be more pro-White but I don't think any elected official is going to be openly pro-White for some considerable time (being anti-anti-White is not the same as being pro-White). The reasons are two-fold. (1) The racial enemies of Whites are better organized, better funded and absolutely determined to prevent any kind of 'leakage' in the political arena that might lead to Whites thinking that 'America' belongs to White people and no-one else. (2) Where Whites still dominate, Whites have almost no White racial consciousness.

Which is why I recommend pro-Whites focus on promoting nullificationist politics in areas where Whites dominate. Liberal Whites are sick of conservative Whites and vice versa. Not being under each other's thumbs appeals to both liberals and conservatives. And local politicians are sick and tired of being bullied around by 'the federal government'.

It's just a coincidence that the federal government is dominated by the racial enemies of Whites.

But it's a coincidence that allows pro-Whites to pursue a pro-White agenda by other means.

The more the federal government is pushed out of state and local politics, the more that pro-Whites will have a chance to promote their position among Whites without being targeted by the Civil-Rights State's repressive apparatus.

Think pro-White thoughts and encourage nullificationist politics.

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