"the Institut national de la Statistique et des études économiques (INSEE), is not permitted to collect data on race, ethnicity, religion, or other protected characteristics"

The entire practice of ensuring some have, "protected characteristics", is defined by being not French or not White - which are one in the same as regards huge swaths of the non-French in France. Thus, these policies throughout The West amount to a treason and a reducing of the nation/citizenry to a second class people who are in the words of this regime, "unprotected."

It is beyond an absurdity that the purpose of the state/governing apparatus and its moral and legal first priors is to reduce its own people to a second class citizenry and to work tirelessly to promote the stranger, the alien, the foreigner, the invader, the colonizer to a first class and preferred status.

It is an outrage. It is a moral abomination. It is a treason. What I love about WPPI is that it offers a reasonable, moral and rational offramp to undoing these abominations and a path of redemption for those who refute this abomination and adopt a proper and moral path forward.

God bless you WPPI.

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Viva La France! La vrai France

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