Fine article Mr. Bright. May I suggest something for all of us, the Occidental peoples of the world. We must never call them by their nicknames that attempt to hide their alien nature. Kemi sounds like an odd but possibly English cutesy nickname. Little Kimmy! I also suggest that we should never refer to them as British. In the case of Olukemi we should refer to her as:
Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch the Nigerian anchor baby.
The British did enough by providing refuge to this alien. Her position in Parliament is one less position available for a British man to resume and continue the work of his ancestors in preserving and stewarding Britain for the British people. Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke can and should spend her time and energy working to make Nigeria a better place. The struggles and sacrifices of the British people for thousands of years are the fruits of the British people to enjoy and cherish for themselves.
Someday, after however long it takes Nigeria to forge a great country through struggle and sacrifice they can have a country and a heritage of their own. It is nice that she has some sense of honor for Britain and the British. It would be even nicer if she had a greater sense of honor for Nigeria and her Nigerian people by going home and spearheading a struggle that her descendants can be proud of and honor in their own right.
We in the Occident must see it this way. Call them by their name and call them by their country/homeland and point out that they are anchor babies and/or the posterity of illegal aliens/invaders/colonizers.
Langage is everything and it is high time that we wield it properly and effectively.
Fine article Mr. Bright. May I suggest something for all of us, the Occidental peoples of the world. We must never call them by their nicknames that attempt to hide their alien nature. Kemi sounds like an odd but possibly English cutesy nickname. Little Kimmy! I also suggest that we should never refer to them as British. In the case of Olukemi we should refer to her as:
Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch the Nigerian anchor baby.
The British did enough by providing refuge to this alien. Her position in Parliament is one less position available for a British man to resume and continue the work of his ancestors in preserving and stewarding Britain for the British people. Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke can and should spend her time and energy working to make Nigeria a better place. The struggles and sacrifices of the British people for thousands of years are the fruits of the British people to enjoy and cherish for themselves.
Someday, after however long it takes Nigeria to forge a great country through struggle and sacrifice they can have a country and a heritage of their own. It is nice that she has some sense of honor for Britain and the British. It would be even nicer if she had a greater sense of honor for Nigeria and her Nigerian people by going home and spearheading a struggle that her descendants can be proud of and honor in their own right.
We in the Occident must see it this way. Call them by their name and call them by their country/homeland and point out that they are anchor babies and/or the posterity of illegal aliens/invaders/colonizers.
Langage is everything and it is high time that we wield it properly and effectively.