I was a libertarian and was very influenced by Murray Rothbard. I still owe him a deep debt for teaching me a proper suspicion of the powerful elite.

Your essay is on the money. However, I could ask a pointed observation for any libertarian: If you want a libertarian nation, you must have a libertarian people. That statement alone makes clear the need for discrimination in favor of certain people. And this requires looking for the pattern of which peoples would be more comparable with the vision. The plain fact is that the white Europeans are far more libertarian in their attitude, especially the Anglos. This is important because multiculturalism and multiethnic society create a great deal of conflict which can only make the state the final arbitrator of the society's mores and laws, which was what Plato and others warned about when they wrote of the tyrants.

One of the best insights of the libertarians was of the rule by culture. Where the lawful culture is strong, you wouldn't need an invasive state. The Old American West is a case in point. Much of their research went into Classical Greece and Middle Ages Europe to discover which culture and structure would be the most favorable to creating a free and more productive society. And it was clear to me that having a particular people with their particular habits of mind will create a particular kind of society. People aren't interchangeable cogs at all. This is why the "reforms" rarely work in Africa or Latin America without having the Europeans making a majority of a particular nation, or in control of it. Asians are better at building the more lawful and productive societies but they wouldn't be like European nations. Like it or not, having strong border control is a must, and this required a strong state capable of maintaining this control. To demand a libertarian nation without a state to protect this nation is self-defeating. But they are so in love with theories that they have no room left for history or biology.

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Well said. I think reality is arguing that America is already an incoherent polity. In the last 14 days, for the first time, representatives of the Historic American Nation are pushing back aggressively against that incoherence. That positive and existential necessity will only exacerbate and accelerate that incoherence. The ethnic tensions are natural and emergent even when power players manipulate them for their own ends. I suspect that for the first time the average person of the HAN, the CivNat who wants to be left alone, is feeling what it is like to be represented and have power on his side. He may be starting to realize that this feeling is what the other side feels when they loot and burn and pogrom. He may start to put the pieces together if only based on how good it feels to be represented and see his will expressed. We must push harder for his sake that he does.

In any case, the polity's incoherence really accelerated in '08 then '14 then '20. It will get worse before it gets better. Unless 10s of millions go back and the HAN accepts realities of nature and reforges the will to deal with it, it will spiral ever downward no matter how many bots the ruling class releases to suppress it. Argentina was magnificent. Our task, across the West, is to transform the dying museums of a majestic people into living and upward thrusting testaments to the fire being rekindled in its soul. For that, GDP based on tourism and service sectors and importing helots to do the work will have to end.

We face a choice, build bots to tamp down the pressurized fault lines and let an oligarchy get rich cleaning the bones on the carcass, or build them to help us do the work we never should have abandoned for decadence and leisure. Those European statues and buildings are absolutely magnificent. We can do it again. Our great grandchildren can and will do it and surpass it. I believe in us and in our Gods and their supremacy over GDP.

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