Beautiful read. I am faithful that the indigenous people of the US and Canada will hold back against the waves of third worlders. Indigenous North Americans have a higher Birthright than the general population as well as many immigrant groups and are far more warrioristic and resisted to Authority than many of the new Invaders. Stay strong

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Ever since tribal representatives stopped White investigation of Kennewick Man, I no longer support tribal autonomy in any form. In the it's Red vs White because the Reds overreached and took away and hid a White ancestors bones in the name of 'tribal rights'.

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"I no longer support tribal autonomy in any form" So because some natives didn't want more investigation Into some possible ancient European caveman ancestor that made it into North America Native Americans don't deserve any rights?. That is actually retarded, that's like saying because some fat liberal white women black wash European history therefore Europeans don't deserve autonomy?. Native Americans are literally the most natural Ally to white people. don't make mountains out of molehills for Christ's sake

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I don't support them for the stated reason. You can do as you please.

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Your reason is petty and foolish.

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Not to me it isn't.

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An actually plausible minority ally. Let’s let loose that Cherokee warrior spirit on our mutual enemy

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