Keir Starmer promised to ’smash’ the criminal gangs bringing people to the United Kingdom via small boats, but so far the only thing to have been smashed are our beautiful English shorelines. Smashed as tens of thousands of migrants continue to make landfall each year and are then given leave to remain in this country, seemingly indefinitely, even if their asylum applications are rejected.
Even worse, many of those arriving are not even from the poor third world masses but instead come from middle income and even high income countries such as, respectively, Vietnam or Kuwait. Migrants are arriving from safe countries, countries which are no longer at war, and countries with economics growing significantly faster than Britain’s. Yet, and seemingly without a single shred of acknowledgement from Keir Starmer’s administration, the migrants continue to arrive on our shores in search of a mythical “better life.” A life which the native British are obligated to give every migrant from every corner of the world even to our own detriment.
These Aren’t Poor Families
I remember when the war in Ukraine started and streams of women and children left that unfortunate country and poured into Poland, Belarus, Russia, and other neighboring states. These women were carrying all they could in just a few suitcases and hauling their children on and off of trains in the hope of reaching safety while behind them their husbands defended a besieged nation. A Center For Immigration Studies article revealed that upwards of 70% of Ukrainian refugees are female while the significant remainder who are not are males under the age of 16.
In contrast more than 80% of the refugees coming to the United Kingdom via small boats in the channel are adult (fighting and working age) males, according to the Home Office.
Further reports from the British government reveal that less than 3% of all small boat migrants have been deported from the country, despite the fact that over 30% of channel migrants have had their asylum requests denied. In all barely more than 3,000 failed English channel asylum seekers have been deported while more than 140,000 have arrived in the past several years.
The United Kingdom has become a destination which provides food, drink, medical care, and luxury hotels to migrants from every corner of the world.
Again we can contrast this with Ukrainian refugees who have received about $18 billion in support from the European Union since 2022. Meanwhile, the British government has spent upwards of $19.4 billion on our distinctly non-Ukrainian refugees since the year 2022 (1) (2). If current trends persist the British state expects it will be spending more than $14.2 billion dollars (£11 billion) each year on asylum seekers to these islands by 2026.
To make it all the worse, hundreds and thousands of migrants have come from countries like Kuwait, where the average income is $5,151 a month for Kuwaitis and $2,413 per month for foreign workers. This stands in stark contrast to the United Kingdom where the average native Briton is making $2,884 per month, a salary which has decreased nearly 3% over the past year. The native British are not only being displaced in their own country, but they are paying for people from higher income nations to come in and live off of our tax.
Economic Growth? Not Here!
As if individual income differences were not upsetting enough, some groups of migrants, such as the Vietnamese, are coming from countries with GDP growth rates significantly higher than the United Kingdom’s.
Vietnam’s economic grew at a rate of 8.1% in 2022 and 5% in 2023, and is projected to grow some 6.1% during fiscal year 2024, according to the World Bank.
Contrast this to Britain where the economy grew at 4.3% in 2022 and a terrible 0.1% (yes zero-point-one-percent) in 2023. The IMF further projects that the British economy will grow between 0.7% and 1.1% in 2024 and, if we’re lucky, it will grow some 1.5% in 2025. Vietnam has growth six times higher than the United Kingdom, yet our government is admitting thousands upon thousands of Vietnamese to this country, to live off our tax, and remain here despite being denied formal asylum.
Despite the West, and Britain in particular, becoming poorer and experiencing comparatively sluggish growth, we are still being expected to take in the masses of the world and will be called racist for complaining about this.
We’re Housing Them?!
Another issue we can look at is that of housing. The United Kingdom has seen an incredible constriction in our housing market that has locked entire generations out of the housing market. Housing prices are at an all time high and ‘skyrocketing’ in the United Kingdom meanwhile countless other countries who are dumping migrants onto these isles are experiencing relatively modest housing market circumstances.
Vietnam is expecting to see a 10% decrease in the price of its housing while Kuwait has experienced a startling 25% decline in the cost of its real estate since the beginning of 2023. Turkey is another country that is shoving countless ‘refugees’ and migrants toward the United Kingdom, meanwhile that nation’s housing prices have decreased by nearly 9% in the last year.
There isn’t much more to say in this piece. The native British are lectured about racism, sexism, homophobia and just about every other ‘ism’ in the book in order to get us to consent to our own demographic replacement. When we don’t consent (and we generally don’t) our elite class takes to ignoring us.
Now we are feeding, housing, and paying for migrants who, at least in some cases, are coming from wealthy and rapidly developing countries that may soon outpace the sluggish and stagnant British economy.
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