You have only answered part of the question. The arteries of Western states are clogged with laws, of which few have read and fewer understand. It is not sufficient to point to a "law" as many do and say "here is the answer!. I can go to court and a judge will agree with me." Wrong. We need to ask, is the law incorporated in the practice of the legal community, enforced and what discretion is there to ignore it or interpret it away? Most are also familiar with the Sam Francis description of the anarcho-terrorist state in which laws are enforced or ignored politically. Clowns like the "freemen on the land" are constantly looking for "laws" and assume they are right, but can never process the problem of enforcement. Perhaps you are still correct, but let's look at the enforcement of these laws and see what conclusions we can draw.

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Hi Enlightened Despot,

You are aboslutely correct that we only examined part of this issue in this piece, but that was purposeful. The purposes behind this piece was to look at what laws are already on the books and to make the argument that nationalist and generally pro-White parties could utilize these laws should they achieve political power.

This is more relevant than ever as European "far-right" parties continue to rise into the dominant spot. Le Pen may soon be governing in France, after all.

Enforcement is something we have talked about in many other pieces. Such as how European countries do not deport failed asylum seekers, or how the US Department of Justice has voluntarily taken on a very loose interpretation of business violations of hiring illegal aliens. And how a pro-White Justice Department would have to reinterpret that law to our benefit.

We expect an uphill battle in the fight for the West, but White Papers starts with pointing out opportunities to begin. And these citizenship revocation laws are certainly a place to start.


The WPPI Team

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Thanks for pointing me to your other work. I'll check it out. As a lawyer, I am very interested in the issue of how the law appears, how it works and ways we Europeans need to rethink our concept of law in order to challenge abuses by the total state.

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