Like Jews, who are White or not-White depending on what interest they are pushing, Blacks are Americans or Victims-of-America for the same reason. The very common whine of Blacks about how "America" treats them shows that they see themselves as outsiders to the White nation within which they find themselves. There are exceptions but exceptions don't count. The 1790 Naturalization Act shows the Founding Fathers' intent: a White nation.

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I want to hone in on your point about blacks in America. Their key grievance is that they see our justice system as unjust. They feel targets of it. They outright reject it. The most fundamental reason why people form clan, then tribe, then nation is to share and administer an agreed upon system of justice. When two distinct peoples, do not agree on what is just, they have no reason to share the same country and it is an injustice to all to force them to live together.

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