Ding Ding Ding! This is only the beginning. Heaven will show your way with golden strings leading to golden dreams.

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Utlimately, it's not *ideas* that the normal alienated White wants. It's *policies*. Think about your own reasons for politically engaging. Was your interest driven by grand unifying 'ideas' or was your interest driven by the *policies* connected to those ideas.

What I'm trying to say is that we don't even need a unifying idea like 'nationalism' in order to say 'We support policy X' and 'We support policy Y'.

My sense is that the political 'right' is mostly involved in theory, metapolitics and in-fighting precisely because the Right knows that saying what policies they would promote would be the kiss of death.

Let's assume for a moment that our purpose is to give our people what they want, *not* what we think is 'good for them', but actually what they want. Most people's desires have been completely colonized by ideologies designed to get their desires to align with the interests of the ruling class. Marx called this 'false consciousness' but it's really *false desiring*.

What Trump (and apparently Bernie and before either of them Ralph Nader) tapped into was an expression of *policies* that were closer to the *desires* of a lot of people than had been offered in a long time. And you saw the reaction among the normal, decent White person.

What are the policies we'd like to see implemented in work and family?

I don't think women are willing to trust men to provide for them like they used to. It's not that women want to be working, but without work they don't control their own finances and can find themselves 'stuck' in bad relationship situations. The same can be said for men. (This is one of the reasons why I support UBI in some form or another. No one should be without the financial resources to live safely on their own.)

And then there's the role of family courts in the total demoralization and destruction of fatherhood.

This is a round-about way of saying that I'd like to see the WPPI develop an 'ala carte' menu of policy proposals that resonate with the White public. Something that our people can pick and choose from - or triage from.

For example, my first choice would be complete racial segregation. My second choice would be what Greg Johnson has called '90% White Nationalism'.

What are the trade-offs that Whites would have to accept to get more happiness out of life? Can we get a UBI and not create an inflationary spiral? How do our people feel about rationing if the result was more leisure hours and getting more opportunites for White youth to enter the workforce?

How do our people feel about compulsory public education?

In politics it seems to me that you don't need for *every* policy to be a 'winner' as long as the 'losers' in the list are not something that creates a huge backlash.

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