Observant readers will notice that in my title and throughout this piece I speak far less about the modern concept of women’s rights and far more about the unique social and political privileges that women have been granted in the West. This is not because I dislike the idea of women’s rights as a concept but because I disagree with the modern liberal insistence that women’s rights entail a uniform “equality” between the sexes. This is impossible, men are women are fundamentally different in an incredible number of ways and the current liberal push to attempt and abolish those differences has led to incredible social distress among young people especially and the deterioration of ancient methods of communication between the sexes.
Instead, I care far more about the set of unique social privileges that our wonderful Western civilization has granted us as Western women. These privileges are not universal and cannot be packaged and exported abroad in the same way that the current failed concept of “human rights” has been by our ridiculous and expensive Western government. But, these principles are fragile and open to destruction at the hands of people who are not Westerners. I am mainly referring to the ongoing tide of mass immigration that is rendering the West demographically unrecognizable.
If my country and our civilization continue down this path the privileges of Western women will be abolished by these new non-Western immigrant groups and our unique treatment will be replaced by the otherwise global standard of treating women with remarkable cruelty.
In much of the rest of the world both men and more horrifyingly women do not share the Western view that women have roughly the same amount of agency that men possess. Instead, these other societies view women as distinctly agency-deprived.
Even in the highly advanced societies of East Asia, women are deprived of privileges we take for granted in the West. Only 5% of rape victims in Japan bother reporting being assaulted and most complaints are not taken seriously by Japanese courts: see Sexual Violence and Gender Inequality in Japan by Machiko Osawa, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, November 13, 2023.

In Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and other countries in the region practices of child marriage and rape-meaning-marriage are widespread. These are practices that have been carried to the United States in recent decades, particularly by the Hmong of Cambodia.
Western women enjoy the privilege of having our claims of sexual assault taken seriously, so seriously that sometimes the media and public officials will convict men in the court of public opinion with no evidence being presented. I will tackle that issue in the future!
And then there is the unique privilege we enjoy of broad social concern for the safety and well-being of our children. Western women enjoy robust community and state support in the event of abuse against our children, but this does not extend beyond the West. 2 in 3 children in Latin America and the Caribbean experience violence in the home.
The child homicide rate in these countries is 12.6 per 100,000 children, more than twice the rate of 5.4 per 100,000 children in the United States.
I could go on, speaking about honor killings, forced marriage, child brides and much much more, but that would result in a 5,000 word article and barely scratch the surface.
And so, more concerning than the treatment of women beyond the West is that the immigrant masses from the rest of the world are bringing their attitudes about women into the West.
In the United Kingdom a survey carried out by an organization called the Henry Jackson Society (named for American Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson) very concerningly shows these trends. A majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom, I dare not call them “British” Muslims as there is no such thing, would like to see Sharia law become a sanctioned legal system in Britain.
Further, female Muslims are ten points more likely to support the implementation of a sharia law system in the UK than male Muslims! Female Muslims are also more likely to support Islam being declared the national religion, the formation of a Muslim political party, and women taking on a more traditional role in society.
Before Western traditionalists protest, these immigrant groups are referring to their traditionalism, not our own. An Arab/Muslim traditionalism where women are not even allowed to eat in the same room as men, pray with their families publicly, or attend public gatherings without a “guardian.” In some Muslim countries women cannot even sit in the main areas of funerals or marriages, but instead must be hidden behind curtains. In short, they are not talking about traditional social roles as we recognize them.
I want to protect the tradition of Western women to eat with our families, sit in the pew with our husbands during a Christian church service, and to serve as hostess during a wedding, funeral, or other significant community event. These are our traditions.
That tangent aside, Muslim men are only 1 point away from majority support for legalizing polygamy (a distinctly non-Western practice that severely harms women and children) and support the criminalization of homosexuality. Their intensity for these positions increases with youth. The Henry Jackson Society survey reinforces what a 2022 paper by Pakistani researchers Laraib Niaz and Sidla Nasir demonstrated: young UK born minority group members are far more radically anti-Western than their parents and grandparents.
In my own country it is the massive influx of Hispanics that is beginning to change the culture around women and the family. Children in Hispanic families and communities are at much higher rates for abuse and neglect than those of the Western founding stock of America. The problem is so widespread that in some areas of the country American police have essentially given up trying to enforce Western standards of child welfare, see Ann Coulter’s Adios America for more details on this.
Similarly, Hispanics are more likely than any other group to ostracized and criticize female victims of sexual violence and in many Hispanic countries legal systems will side with men in contradiction of the evidence. I cannot imagine a jury of White, or even Black, Americans letting a rapist off the hook in contravention of evidence. To top it off incest is a very common problem both in Latin America and the Hispanic communities being imported into the United States.
The reason I am concerned about this, beyond hating child abuse, rape, and incest, is that this Hispanic attitude towards the negative treatment of women and children will become more pervasive as the United States becomes more Hispanic. Already a third of Biden’s judicial appointments have been Hispanic and more Hispanics than ever are serving in American state and federal governments, legislatures, and civil services.
The Western world must begin the peaceful process of reversing the Great Replacement before the privileges of safety, care, and community concern that women enjoy in our countries is abolished by both men and women of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds than our own.
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When you put it like that….