In a previous post entitled Whites are With Us White-Papers explored a series of opinion polls directly relating to White, and broader American, feelings about demographic change and the Great Replacement in the United States. The findings were extremely reassuring: large percentages of the American population, tens of millions of people, were aware of the Great Replacement, worried about its ramifications and uncomfortable about the prospect of being replaced in their homeland.
But questions relating to the Great Replacement are not the only way in which the White desire for self advocacy and nationalism can be measured. In this piece White-Papers is going to exlore a series of polls and opinion surveys which show beyond any shadow of doubt that White Americans want the ability to determine their own destiny as a people.
A fascinating 2021 Pew poll found that 26% of American Whites view the decline in White demographics as a negative. This is more than double the number of Whites who view the change as a good thing (11%) and the highest of any demographic group in the United States.
While 26% may not seem like an Earth shattering percentage of the white population, it is important to remember that the White population of the United States is nearly 200 million strong. This means that 41.8 million adult White Americans believe that the decline in the White population is bad for American society.
If only half of that population were willing to openly support nationalist politics that would make for a political bloc more than 20 million strong, and would easily be one of the largest if not the largest organized political group in the United States.
Building on this theme, another Pew Center poll found that a majority (52%) of White Americans believe that racial diversity makes it difficult to solve the nation's problems. This represents a demographic some 83.6 million Whites strong.
Whites were the only demographic group in the United States with a majority concerned with the complexities of policymaking in a diverse society. It may be the case that some of these Whites are concerned with questions of ‘social justice’, but may not be the case.
The same research shows that 74% of Whites belive their neighbourhood is 'diverse enough' or should be less racially mixed. 11% of White adults 18-29 wish to live in a less diverse neighbourhood, the largest share of any White age group. Additionally 64% of White adults prefer their children go to school in the local community rather than a racially or ethnically mixed school.
Whites were the only group to have a preference for local (community) schools over diverse schools.
In another survey question, White Americans were the most likely to view ethnic diversity as a negative factor in the national culture. 14% of White adults, or 22.5 million people, viewed the multiracial experiment as culturally detrimental to the United States.
A late 2022 Pew Survey found that 80% of White Americans are opposed to race based reparations. Another survey, linked above, showed that 78% of Whites prefer a less diverse workplace if it means more qualified coworkers. This stands in stark contrast to Black and Hispanic Americans who prefer diversity at rates of 40% and 30% respectively.
And finally, keeping with current events, 57% of White Americans disapprove of race based college admissions, the highest share of any population in the United States.
What is extremely clear from this set of data is that the White population of the United States is remarkably unhappy with the current direction of their nation. Tens of millions of Whites recognize the problem of racial diversity.
How would we go about creating a political bloc?