Much as Western men are the engine which keeps the lights on, the pipes from leaking, the roads clear of snow, and our homes free of bugs and other pests, women serve in a number of functions which are essential for the functioning of Western civilization.
In general, We promote policy that encourages the prosperity of women in their feminine roles such as wife, mother, community social organizers, and promoters of virtue since these roles are critical to fertility, the concern of any healthy nation. (See our deep dive podcast on pro-natal policy here.) However, women also engage in numerous socially necessary and critical roles. In this piece we are going to examine those roles in greater detail and shine a light on just how critical it is for the West that its people remain the demographic majority in their historic homelands.
In the early history of the United States a prominent feature of American life was that of the Republican Mother. Republican Motherhood in the United States, at the time an explicitly Western nation, was focused on the duty of a woman to inculcate and uphold moral, educational and patriotic virtue in both her children and her husband. Women were considered to be the most important role model and teacher for the citizenry of the nation, and this is a role they still continue to fulfill today in numerous ways.
Whites compose 80% of special education teachers in the United States, and roughly 86% of these crucial caregivers and educators are women.
Similarly, though only making up about 32% of the national population, Whites are 64% of all medical school faculty, and some 41% are women.
This transitions well into the nation’s medical care sector, which would collapse instantaneously if not for these women saving lives every day.
77% of emergency medical workers in the United States are White, and a majority of these White EMS workers are women. And while women care for the sick and wounded on the way to treatment, it is even more likely that a these woman will be waiting to care for the ailing individual in the hospital.
Whites are 80% of the working nurses in the United States, and 90% of these nurses are women. Similarly 65% of pediatricians in the United States are White, and 75% of those pediatricians are going to be women!
If an adult or child falls ill in the United States it is overwhelmingly certain that a White woman is going to be significantly involved in their care and recovery. Once out of critical care it is likely that those requiring long-term care, such as physical therapy, will be treated by the 77.4% of physical therapists who are White, of which 68% are women.
When not putting in paid work White women can be found volunteering in their communities at rates higher than any other race. Some 30% of Whites volunteer in a given year, and women are 50% more likely to volunteer than men. Especially when it comes to education and health related activities within a community.
Without these women the West would be a much darker, less hospitable, and more sickly place.
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Thank you. The whole 'Seig Heil make me a sammich' attitude of much of the so-called pro-White movement is a barrier to expanding the movement.