White Americans and Non-White Students
Students and teachers live in an environment of constant risk
Whites in America are fleeing the teaching profession, and it has everything to do with race. While White Americans are only 54% of their nation's population, Whites constitute 80% of all qualified teachers. Whites also represent 77% of all public and private school principals. Whites also constitute 66% of the staff who drive school buses and 65% of the staff who make the school meals that fuel the nation’s future generation.
White Americans are the singular engine that powers the nation’s education system and they are being forced out by an increasingly non-White, and increasingly violent, student body. Non-White students now constitute 52% of the nation’s K-12 population, while in the public school system they constitute 55% of the overall K-12 population.
Only 45% of White students now attend a school where 75% or more of their school’s student body is White, and these schools are overwhelmingly concentrated in the Midwestern United States. A further four million Whites have taken shelter in the private school system, but that system too is diversifying. Today roughly 35% of private school students are non-White and this is a percentage that increases with each passing year.
It is also worth mentioning here that many Republican governors are deliberately pushing the diversification of the nation’s private schools through Universal Education Savings (ESA) accounts. State governments make taxpayer dollars available to families, generally underprivileged (non-White) ones, and these families can use up to 7,000 dollars in what is essentially White tax dollars to put their non-White children into private schools. Deliberate policy choices are once again being made which disadvantage Whites all while White taxes pay for it.
Changing student demographics and the policy choices being made in the American education system have resulted in hundreds of thousands of American teachers having left the profession since 2020, in total 7%-10% of the educational workforce has resigned. As of 2023 44% of American school districts lack sufficient numbers of teachers and a further 55% of American teachers are considering leaving the profession early.
To quote an ABC News piece: “with many educators, in phone calls, text messages and interviews with ABC News, citing strict time demands, persistent behavioral issues and lack of administrative support, among other obstacles.”
We are going to focus first on the issue of persistent behavioral problems, which are overwhelmingly associated with non-White student populations. White teachers, and students, are put in incredible danger by the non-Whites that now inhabit the American education system and it is no wonder that teachers are fleeing.
Black male students are 1.5 times more likely than White male students to bring a firearm to school. While Hispanic females are three times as likely to bring a gun to school when compared to White females. In total some 11% of Black male K-12 students are regularly carrying a firearm to school, making school-related firearm violence a certainty.
In fact, the Rockefeller Institute (RI) has shattered the pernicious myth that the majority of school shootings are carried out by White students. The RI found that, among student shooters, 58% of school shooters were Black and just 28% were White. It is worth noting that Black students are just 15% of the nation’s K-12 population, while Whites are 48%. The overrepresentation of Black crime would be astounding were it not so common in the United States.
Since the summer of 2020, when Black criminals were allowed to run rampant and destroy American cities, the number of school shootings has increased markedly. White students and staff are not safe in schools with non-White student bodies, and the data reflects this in numerous ways.
Shootings are not the only form of violence, of course. Black students are 85% more likely than White students to engage in violence. Puerto Rican youth are 26 percent more likely to commit a violent act than White students. Also interesting to note is that third-generation immigrants were more than twice as likely to engage in school-related violence as compared to first-generation immigrants, suggesting that a multiracial society focused on “integration” only makes the resentment felt by out-of-place non-Whites more apparent and severe.
The nation witnessed a stark example of non-White student violence this month when White teenager Jonathan Lewis JR was beaten to death at his high school by a gang of Black students. This incident happened on school grounds and no staff intervened during the beating. Assaults against teachers are not abnormal either and it only takes a quick Google search to find numerous stories of 13 and 15-year-old Black and other non-White students assaulting their teachers.
Violence has become such a common feature of the American educational experience that between 2010 and 2020 the number of schools employing security staff increased from 43% to 65%. Today more than 91% of US schools have deployed security cameras and many school systems have begun to deploy metal detectors for the first time.
Non-White students are armed, dangerous, and regularly violent against teachers and fellow students.
Ideological factors are also at play in the mass resignations that many states are seeing. The Michigan Department of Education runs a program known as the African American Student Initiative (AASI).
The AASI targets White teachers with seminars and learning groups that:
"equips educators to examine and interrogate individual and collective values and beliefs to eliminate marginalization, disparities, and disproportionality within Michigan schools."
In short, the program subjects White education professionals to racial attack in the name of "eradicating racism and advancing diversity, justice, equity, and inclusion".
92% of teachers in Michigan are White, and they are under constant ideological and political assault based upon their race. But they are far from the only set of educators subject to this kind of vile anti-White policymaking. California also subjects their teachers to “at least two hours” of racial bias training. The 63% White teaching force of California oversees a 77% non-White student body and subjecting teachers to ideological anti-White bias means that they are made vulnerable to student attack.
Even in deep red states such as Texas the institutions that serve teachers such as the Texas AFT and the Texas State Teachers Association engage in anti-White racial bias. This manifests in both rhetoric and “resources” offered to teachers.
The 3.2 million White school teachers and 26 million White students exposed to the American education system will remain in serious danger so long as the ideological and demographic changes rocking America continue. American policymakers must make changes in both the short and long term which mitigate the situation.
Policymakers need to ban “controlled” school of-choice programs, wherein school districts deliberately assign non-Whites to new schools in order to diversify White schools. Republican governors must think twice about their ESA programs, and consider applying geographic limitations so that non-White students do not flood White private schools. The deliberate resettlement of non-Whites into White towns must cease and housing programs that enable the large-scale movement of Blacks need to be cut back significantly.
In the longer term, the project of a Great Repatriation must begin. This would significantly reduce the number of underage (under 18) second and third-generation immigrants in the United States. Today this number stands at roughly 18.4 million children, some 4.3 million of whom are the US-born children of Black immigrants.