The Great Replacement in the Northeast
From Buffalo to Bangor, the Great Replacement in the Northeast is accelerating.
The American state, and its constituent states’ policies, are beginning to have a massive and increasingly detrimental effect on the Northeast United States. The area between Buffalo, New York and Bangor Maine, known popularly as Upstate New York and New England respectively, is experiencing a massive surge of non-Western immigration which is being facilitated by the highest levels of government in the nation.

We recently penned a massively popular post on our Telegram channel highlighting the incredible anti-White policies currently being enacted in New York. Where, despite the democratic will of the populations of the many small towns of the state being made known, the state government has begun the process of forcibly resettling illegal migrants and ‘refugees’ in American towns.
The New York National Guard is going to provide soldiers to transport, feed, guard the housing of and ensure the safety of migrants as the state moves thousands upon thousands of unvetted, non-identification carrying non-Americans into the state's oldest most homogeneous communities. Buildings and hotels in these communities are being converted into housing, and local protests are being ignored.
This new and rapid demographic replacement of New York's remaining in tact communities is a goal expressly championed by the state’s political elite, such as last year when Senator Kirsten Gillibrand openly advocated for moving as many migrants as possible into the small towns of Upstate New York.
All the while, the new arrivals are already victimizing Americans, an example being just two weeks ago when an NYC man was beaten by two immigrants on the front steps of his apartment.
Meanwhile, in Maine, one of the most homogeneous not only in the country but in the world, rural communities are struggling under a seemingly endless stream of so-called ‘asylum seekers’. When Portland, the state’s largest city, became overwhelmed by migrants in May the state and local government began resettling largely unvetted third-world migrants into the surrounding rural communities and telling the locals to “make it work”.
Even as thousands of migrants, mostly from Africa, continue to pour into the state, the Governor, Janet Mills, has announced that she wants to facilitate the arrival of a further 75,000 people. In order to facilitate this process Governor Mills has created an “Office of New Americans”.
These new arrivals, which Mills wants to arrive over the course of just 5 years, would and will constitute a population larger than that of Portland, and twice as large as the population of Bangor.
In Vermont and New Hampshire a 700% increase in border crossings from Canada into the US is putting immense strain on the small communities of two more of the most homogeneous states in the union.
New Hampshire, one of the more right wing states in the area, has proposed more funding to secure its border with Canada, but this will be of little help considering that the state’s government admits it has “no specific” data on a border problem which is seeing thousands of people enter the US from Canada in the region.
And in Massachusetts, a state hit particularly hard proportional to its population, the resettlement of migrants has filled the states hotels and the state government recently put out an appeal for private landowners and homeowners to offer space to house migrants. The state’s “right-to-housing” laws have forced the governor to declare a state of emergency, which has enabled the state government to begin settling migrants in 80 overwhelmingly American born towns across the inland area of the Bay State.
These problems are being compounded by Federal action, including a recent DHS action which saw literal flood gates on the southern border being welded open. The Department and Border Patrol are now allowing over 1,400 additional immigrants a day to flood into the country unopposed.
People from as far afield as China and Egypt, Africa and Haiti are walking into the United States in droves and then being resettled in the farthest flung American communities.
It does not have to be this way, however. This publication has outlined before how State Governments are broadly empowered to defend their borders and their citizens from this kind of demographic predation. The sooner Americans know their options the sooner candidates and politicians will feel the pressure to begin campaigning on these policies.
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