Norway and other Nordic governments are coming together in a coalition to return immigrants without legal status in the region, and while combating illegal immigration is one of the most important issues in the modern West its importance is often used to overshadow the larger demographic-related issues. Legal immigration in the forms of family reunification, work visas, and education visas are much more common pathways into the West and are the most popular for immigrants, in particular non-Western immigrants.
The illegal immigrant population in Norway is estimated to be just 56,000 people by the Norwegian state. While this is a serious figure it pales in comparison to the total immigrant population and their descendants. The non-Norwegian population currently stands at some 1,152,540 people - with illegal immigrants making up only 4.8% of this total. 95.2% of Norway’s immigrant population and their descendants are in the country as a result of legal avenues and this is where the majority of policy change must be focused.

A particularly interesting feature of immigration to Norway is how European the immigrant population tends to be. Of the 1,152,540 immigrants and their descendants present in Norway some 54.5% are European while 45.5%, or 524,229 individuals, are non-Western. This stands in sharp contrast to neighboring Sweden where immigrant groups originating from Asia (including the Middle East) and Africa far outnumber Western immigrant groups from Europe and North America.
Regardless of race, Norwegians are a rapidly declining majority in their own nation-state. In 1990 Norwegians born to Norwegian parents (ethnic Norwegians) were 93.23% of Norway’s population. As of 2021 the Norwegian share of the country’s population has fallen dramatically to just 75.49% and continues to decline. In fact, parts of Norway’s capital are already minority Norwegian, particularly in the Eastern sections of Oslo.
Immigrants now account for more than half of Norway’s population growth and ethnic Norwegians are projected to become a minority in their own country within the century.
This process, like in most Western societies and countries, is promoted by the Norwegian state and business community. The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprises (NHO) encourages its members to hire immigrants rather than native Norwegians while the Norwegian state has written policy papers wherein it considers Norway to have become a multicultural society that must be run along such lines.
However, demographic change brings about more serious consequences than a lack of employment opportunities for native Norwegians. In 2016 the Norwegian state discovered that nearly a million identity documents had been issued without proper checks, largely by non-Norwegians to other immigrants, which enabled these persons to collect millions in fraudulent social welfare benefits. The Norwegian government has also reported that the crime rate among children born to immigrant parents is 2.5 times higher than the crime rate for native Norwegians. Among other immigrant groups, the crime rate is even higher with the crime rate of Africans being 3.425 times higher when compared to native Norwegians. The crime rate for Asians (which includes the Middle East and Turkey) is 2.6 times higher when compared to native Norwegians.
Immigrants and their descendants in the country also commit the majority of spousal murder and 47% of all reported child abuse cases are immigrant-related.
These immigrants also cost Norwegian taxpayers, dearly. Each non-Western immigrant to the country will, over their lifetime, cost the Norwegian taxpayer some 4.1 million Norwegian crowns or $371,700 US dollars. This is sharply contrasted to educated immigrants from Western countries who are net contributors to the Norwegian system over the course of their lifetime.
Immigrants and their descendants, especially non-Western immigrants, are a net negative to Norway in the most crucial of ways and at least some of the Norwegian people are aware of this. The only staunchly anti-immigration party, the Progress Party, is rapidly rising in the polls and may soon hold second place against the Norwegian Conservative Party. It's a positive sign, but far from enough.
With some 730,000 foreigners yet to acquire Norwegian citizenship the Norwegian people could begin a transition back to their historic demographic majority simply by canceling visas and enforcing deportation laws already in place. The children of these immigrants have the citizenship of their ethnic homelands and Norwegians are at liberty to pick and choose what immigrants to keep.
still, Norwegians must enact an immigration moratorium, restrict asylum applications, revoke citizenship from criminals and dual nations (laws already in place in Norway but not enforced), and much more if they are going to restore the 90+% dominance they enjoyed in their country for the vast majority of its history.
The Great Repatriation is one which begins with the knowledge that it can happen and in a peaceable manner.
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