The Australian Nation Has Voted No! - TG Roundup
The Australian nation has voted no!
With 75% of polling places reporting and the no vote sitting at 56.5% we are comfortably calling this a victory for Australians.
After a long campaign full of disappointment for the yes campaign, the Australian people have decisively voted against amending their constitution to include the "Indigenous Voice."
In a first of its kind referendum a Western nation was effectively and rather bluntly asked if it would like to abolish its own sovereignty and officially recognize another people as having the right to supreme influence over the state.
The major take away from this exercise is that when directly asked if they want to abolish their nations and sovereignty a Western people are going to say no to such a proposition.
We applaud the Australian people, we applaud the Australian nationalists who were so active in campaigning for their nation, and we applaud the result.
God Bless Australia.
Substack addendum: The vote would eventually close with 60.7% of Australians having voted down the abolition of their nation!
While supermajorities approaching or exceeding 90% prefer their neighbors to have the same values, customs, sentiments and language skills as themselves.
These things are all proxies for the race/ethnicity question.
A racially and culturally homogeneous America is the preference of the majority of Americans.
They have merely been taught that to request such a thing is a grave moral sin. Americans are already comfortable with restricting immigration, as the number of Americans wanting restriction is the highest it has been since 2009, and represents a plurality of public opinion on the issue.
Even in ‘wildly liberal’ California more than 70% of the population wants to see border security increase markedly.
It's incumbent upon the nationalist movement to paint a picture of the America that the masses desire, and to explain how this can be achieved through a humane and reasoned set of policies.