Texas is being rocked, seemingly without end, by illegal immigrant and broader Mestizo crime. While some cities in the state are willing to admit that crime rates continue to rise, such as Lubbock, others are doing all they can to bury the problem. Dallas, for example, does not include all murders or slayings in their statistics.
There have been so many recent high-profile crimes that people seem to be mixing them up in the media scramble to dissemble and distract, so we will briefly outline them:
In the final week of April the illegal immigrant Francisco Oropesa killed five people, all other illegal immigrants, including a 9 year old boy. He could have just as easily turned a weapon on Americans.
On May 6th, Mauricio Garcia murdered eight people and injured a further seven before being shot by a police officer. It has been reported that police interviewing the perpetrator's family require a translator.
And just yesterday another Mestizo man, whose identity has yet to be released, plowed his vehicle into a crowd of people waiting at a bus stop, killing seven and injuring many others. The attack occured in Brownsville, Texas. A city which is 94% Hispanic.
There is of course more to the narrative, and restricting it to these three ‘high casuality’ style attacks would be a disservice. The vast bulk of serious crimes in Texas are committed by minorities, who now constitute 60.3% of the state's population.
Heritage Texans, and other law abiding residents, have to live in fear of an immigrant population which commits an intense level of violent crime.
Hispanics and Blacks are responsible for:
71.4% of all rapes and 58% of all other sexual violence
76.5% of all murders
And 72% of all Aggravated Assaults
What’s worse is that the flow of migrants, drugs, weapons and other illicit goods and persons into the state (and the country) continues virtually unopposed. Hispanics already make up the majority of the Border Patrol, and in locations like El Paso, the largest city on the border in the state, services like Immigration and Customs Enforcement are as much as 75% Hispanic in composition.
Much of the United States is going demographically resemble Texas within the next 20 years. The process has to be stopped, and the massive inflow of racially foreign immigrants turned into an outflow.