Often overshadowed by its neighbor to the South, Canada is still viewed by many as the Great “White” North when compared to the United States, which is becoming a minority-majority nation at a breakneck pace. Unfortunately, Canada is undergoing one of the most rapid demographic transitions in the Western world, and this change is only occurring more swiftly with each passing year.
For those who are politically, culturally, or otherwise aware of the plight of the Canadians there is an eagerness to label Canadians as political cuckolds and ultra-liberals who are happy about the destruction of their nation. Both of these contrasting images, with Canada, painted as either much Whiter than the US or labeled as much more liberal and self-destructive than other countries, are incorrect.
The Canadian nation is not only aware of its replacement, and displeased with it, but could, given the right mix of policies, do something to reverse the tide of the Great Replacement in their country.
Some may be surprised to learn that in 2019 EKOSPOLITICS conducted a poll of Canadians and found that 40% of Canadians believed there were too many visible minorities in Canada. Visible minorities is the polite, and official, Canadian term for recent immigrants and their descendants. This figure is the highest figure since 1995 when just under 50% of Canadians believed there were too many recent immigrants present in their country, the figure then hovered around 30% for nearly 24 years before jumping back up.
Unsurprisingly 53% of working-class Canadians, 51% of those with high school educations, and 69% of those who vote Conservative felt that there were too many recent immigrants and their descendants in their nation.
These numbers are nicely complimented in a more recent (2022) poll which found that 37% of Canadians believe that “there is a group of people in this country who are trying to replace native-born Canadians with immigrants … “. Or, more clearly stated, 37% of Canadians believe that the Great Replacement is a reality, which it is.
What these numbers tell us is that the Canadian nation is certainly not oblivious to their replacement, nor are they so blinded by liberalism that they approve of what is happening to the country.
This does not mean, of course, that Canadians are lining up at the polling places to vote for a party advocating ending the Great Replacement. Like most Western countries no such party exists, and a strong two-party system keeps Canadians trapped in a dichotomy that is quite hard for them to escape.
Still, third parties that want to reduce immigration, such as the People’s Party of Canada, have made massive progress in attracting voters to their anti-immigration anti-multicultural policies. The People’s Party first contested an election in 2019, where it garnered 294,000 votes (only 1.6% of all ballots cast). By 2021 the party had captured 840,000 votes, or 5% of all votes cast, an increase of 185% from election to election.
So, while no political party in Canada is offering up substantial change (nor has a change to enact if in the case of the PPC), the people of Canada are desperate for that change. 50% of Canadians believe their government’s objective of importing 500,000 people a year is too high, while 75% of Canadians worry that the strain this will put on social services, housing, and infrastructure will reduce their quality of life.
Another poll, conducted in 2019 by IPSOS, found that 59% of Canadians believed the government was hiding the true cost and burden of immigration to taxpayers and society, and the percentage of Canadians who believed that immigrants made Canada a “more interesting place to live” decreased from 50% to 46%.

As we have stated a great many times, most Canadians remain trapped in the two-party system because no party offers them legitimate policy solutions which would allow for a “mass” break-out from the mainstream parties. Even the People’s Party of Canada focuses much more on libertarian economics, deregulation, trade, the right to use firearms, and the promotion of minorities as “exemplars” of a modern multi-cultural yet slightly more conservative Canada. The party does not address the issue of demographics, nor does it recognize that Europeans are the foundational stock of Canada and the only group that can perpetuate the nation.
The Conservative nor Liberal parties make any mention of foundational Canadians either, and their policies are much more hostile to the Canadian nation’s instinct for self-preservation, still, we can easily demonstrate that though Canadians want an end to the destruction of their nation, no force is on offer to enact their will.
Canadians are aware of the Great Replacement, they are displeased with what is happening to their country, they understand it is markedly affecting their quality of life in a litany of negative ways and they would, manifestly, like this to change. Only by building alternative institutions can nationalists assist in bringing this popular will from mere poll results to lived reality.
The Maple Leaf Forever!