A lot is being made about the statement by Italian Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida with regards to the ethnic replacement of native Italians by immigrants.
This is, however, the same minister who has been pushing for a plan to bring 500,000 agricultural workers to Italy.
We get the distinct feeling of another whip-lashing by the Meloni administration as the rhetoric remains hard by the policy actions remain soft.
Infact, we know so. Just a few days ago the Italian Foreign Minister agreed to import some 4,000 Tunisian workers to the country.
Replacement by "legal" immigrants is no better than repacement by illegal ones.
Illegal immigration to Italy remains skyhigh (and rising) and Meloni is distracted with passing legislation to do with what words officials can and cannot use. There was also recent a law to outlaw raves.
On the foreign policy front Meloni remains massively supportive of Ukraine, despite less than 40% of Italians wanting to continue proping up the Zelensky regime.
And within the context of the European Union Meloni does not want to loosen state aid rules for businesses. This move benefits Washington to the direct detriment of the Italian economy which desperately needs more support.'
Rather than sending drones to Ukraine, or spending huge sums of debt-financed cash on ‘green’ initiatives the Meloni administration would be wise to keep its promises to Italian voters, especially the many young people who support it, and begin reversing the demographic damage to the country.
Rather than agreeing to import immigrants, the Italian state should mandate that its support both financially and through the IMF is contingent upon Tunisia stopping the flow of illegal immigrants and agreeing to take back Arabs which Italy does not need and Italians do not want.
Likewise, in Libya, rather than agreeing to put billions toward rebuilding economic sectors, the Italians should make that support continent upon Libya gaining control of its coastline and accepting any immigrants which Italian naval forces may pick up in the Mediterranean sea.
Meloni could and can govern well if she chooses to do so, but that is a matter of political will she has yet to manifest.
Great article, thank you.
It seems obvious that behind the scenes Meloni has globalist backers that want the immigration to continue, and want the support for Ukraine. Both elements of the globalist agenda. They are likely using campaign finance and media cooperation to get her buy in, so she is really just another controlled opposition politician in the end, despite some stirring words about family values and Italian heritage in speeches she has given.
Fratelli d'Italia is too compromised to be of value.
Do you know much about Casa Pound? I wonder if they are a legitimate option, but don't know much about them.
Does White Papers have a view as to the role of Jewish financial and media influence on politics, the so-called JQ?
Cheers and thanks for your work. You're filling an important niche.