Marcellus Williams And The Great Replacement In Law Enforcement
Or, "What's Wrong With LOCKING UP OUR OWN?"
On September 24, a black man named Marcellus Williams was finally (he was convicted in 2001) executed for the 1998 murder of a white woman named Felicia Gayle, in spite of the objections of the St. Louis, MO, prosecuting attorney, a man named Wesley Bell.
Marcellus Williams, Felicia Gayle, Wesley Bell
While Felicia Gayle was a journalist, her murder, like the 2008 murder of journalist Anne Pressly by Curtis Lavelle Vance, had nothing to do with her profession—she was simply a white woman who was home when a black man entered her house to burgle it. Gayle was 5’ 1”, Wiliams was 6’4”, and weighed 217 at the time of his death.
Wikipedia says (as of today) that
Gayle was stabbed to death during a daytime burglary at her home on August 11, 1998.[7]
After Williams
broke into the house and stabbed Gayle 16 to 43[8] times (sources vary) with a butcher's knife; seven of the wounds were fatal.[9] Gayle's purse, her jacket, and her husband's laptop were found to be missing, along with some other minor items. Gayle was 42 years old at the time of her murder.
Williams is certainly guilty, but I don’t have to prove that, it’s been proved in court, and the only miscarriage of justice involved is the more than 25 year delay between murder and execution.
A “conservative writer” named Heath Mayo posted this headline…
…and wrote:
I don’t care where you stand on the death penalty, if the prosecutor’s office seeks to vacate a conviction and the victim’s family want the sentence commuted—the state should not execute that person. This headline is an indictment of Missouri.
Because of my experience with this sort of thing, I immediately wanted to ask “What color is the prosecutor?”
And that turns out to be black prosecutor Wesley Bell, above. (He doesn’t have any real evidence that Williams is innocent, but feels the 1998 prosecutors “improperly” removed black jurors, leaving Williams to be found guilty by 11 whites and only one black. )
Wikipedia says of Bell that “After graduating from law school, Bell worked as a St. Louis County public defender.” Why would a former public defender want to change career tracks to prosecutor? Well, apparently in order to defend criminals—not the actual public—from the prosecutors office.
More Wikipedia:
In 2015, following the Ferguson Protests, Bell was elected to Ferguson city council, beating out Lee Smith, a first time candidate popular among Ferguson protestors.[11][12]
In 2018, Bell entered the race for county prosecutor. He ran on a platform of community based policing, assigning special prosecutors in homicides by police, pledging to never seek the death penalty, reforming cash bail/bond, and other progressive points. He received significant support from local and national activists and advocacy groups.[1][4][13] The election was also seen as a referendum on incumbent Bob McCulloch, for his decision not to prosecute the white police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown.[1]
As you may remember, all the evidence against white police officer Darren Wilson was lies, and of course McCulloch was right not to indict him. But Bell was running for county prosecutor on a specific platform of not prosecuting criminals, prosecuting police, and replacing the white guy who did it the old way—and he won:
We see this all over with black prosecutors and black police chiefs in cities and counties that may be majority White—St. Louis County is 63% White—but elect or choose a black to do the law enforcement, presumably because it looks better to the “black community”.
In 2017, black professor James Forman, Jr wrote a book called Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America, in which Forman, a former public defender, lamented the role of black cops and prosecutors in locking up black criminals.
At the time I did a blog post for titled ”Locking Up Our Own” AKA Justice—White People Do It, Why Not Blacks?, in which I pointed out that White Americans, guilted by cases like Emmett Till, whose killers were acquitted due to jury nullification, had decided that it was just in the case of interracial crime to “Lock Up Our Own”—something that has led to a lot of injustice against White people—and blacks should do the same.
But they don’t want to. The Russian revolutionaries used to use the term “former people” to refer to pre-revolutionary elites, bureaucrats, and priests whose authority had been swept away in 1917.
To the black officials involved in the Great Replacement of white law enforcement, this is a case of a former person whose murder was prosecuted by former people, who got a black man sentenced to death (a typical former person reaction to murder) with a jury composed almost entirely of former people.
Of course they wanted to let Marcellus Williams go—he’s practically a Hero of the Revolution!
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