We have written at length in the past with regard to how American men and their labor allow the United States to continue to function, and how Heritage American workers generally are responsible for maintaining the vast majority of social services. Everyone from your plumber to your local EMT to the school lunch-lady is likely to be White, and the same applies to American civil society.
Civil society is best understood as a distinct sector of society which is not a part of the state or the corporate world. Civil society ranges broadly from the local bowling league, to the local church, and large organizations like the American Red Cross. These groups are more often than not powered by individual donations, both large and small, and overwhelmingly made by Heritage Americans. Yet, as the nation diversifies charitable giving and volunteer participation have begun to rapidly decline.
The health of civil society is extremely important to policymakers. Supplemental medical care, canned food drives, church counseling services, and all-volunteer response groups take significant pressure off of policymakers at the local and national level. Without these services being provided by a generous American public the duty will increasingly fall on an overburdened, overstretched, and in some cases largely disinterested state.
In the United States Whites are the most likely to formally volunteer in a given year, with a rate of 37.7%. This is significantly higher than the Hispanic volunteer rate of 25.2% or the Black volunteer rate which sits at 26.2%. Only Asian Americans, coming in at a volunteer rate of 37.4%, volunteer at rates similar to White Americans. This 11 to 12 point gap in volunteer rates represents millions of people and tens of thousands of manhours in American communities.
These trends hold true when considering charitable giving. Some 58% of White households in the general population give to charitable causes, while only 33% of Hispanic and 34% of Black households do so. A gap of about 15 points in both cases. Once again Asian Americans are the only group which share in the large-scale giving, with 59% of Asian households in the general population giving to charity.
Whites also lead in “secular giving” with 49.1% of White households giving to secular charities and causes. Whites come second place in religious giving, with 34.4% of White households giving to a religious organization, coming in second to Asian households 37.1% of whom give to a religious organization. Religious giving is particularly significant. Religious giving has declined some 50% between 1990 and 2015, while the demand for the services that churches provide (food, shelter, counselling,) has only grown.
Most nationalists and even conservatives are aware of the famous Robert Putnam study and subsequent article entitled “Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital” and the light that it shed on diversities effects on community trust. Diversity reduces political participation, community participation, involvement with neighbors and overall trust between the members of a locality. And while Putnam pioneered the popularity of this research, he is far from the only researcher to have done so.
A more recent study, building off of Putnam’s original work, has shown that diversity particularly negatively impacts historic American community trust while increasingly diversity positively impacts minorities.
Diversity also has a direct impact on charitable giving and volunteer participation rates. A 2016 study found that for every 10 point increase in ethnic and religious diversity a community’s charitable giving declines by 15%. This same study also found that when the share of the White population increases by 10 percentage points charitable giving per adult increases by 106 US dollars. A 2018 study by the University of Maryland found that diversifying areas of the United States were experiencing large-scale declines in volunteering and charitable giving.
The study also found that the percentage of Americans giving to charitable causes decreased by 11.3 percentage points between 2000 and 2014. In that same time period the White population of the United States had declined from roughly 70% to under 60%. Furthermore the study found that the states which diversified the most in this timeframe, such as Washington or Colorado, lost the most significantly in terms of volunteering and charitable giving.
These findings compliment official government statistics which show some of the least diverse states such as Maine (90% White), Wyoming (80.8% White) and South Dakota (80% White) have the highest rates of formal volunteering. The same also holds true for informal volunteer rates, with Vermont, Montana, Maine and Iowa leading the pack in the category.
As the United States diversifies and institutions like food banks comes under increasing strain Americans are going to see social services of all kinds become increasing unavailable to themselves and their families.
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Project Infinity Darkie is displacing Whites, forcing Whites out of work and out of their homes. I know one White person who is hard-working, educated and well-trained who has not been able to find work for 2 years. 'Unemployment insurance' ran out a long time ago. They're using a food bank for food.
What I learned is that Whites don't really know very well how to defend themselves from the kind of hostility and indifference to their fate that many Whites are experiencing (and even more will be experiencing). Non-Whites have an understanding of how to exploit the system to their advantage that most working-class Whites don't have.
'diversities effects ' should probably be 'diversity's effects'