By A Former Border Patrol Agent
The Gateway Pundit reported (a week before Election Day) Frustration Boils as Pennsylvania Voters Witness ‘Non-English Speaking Citizens’ Escorted Past Long Lines to Vote: Report, by Jim Hᴏft, October 30, 2024.
They have video, via Twitter:
This article about busing non-English speakers around reminded me of two things. One was this hidden camera video of a Democratic Election Commissioner talking about how they bus people in to vote.
Unfortunately, it is often left up to the states to investigate voter fraud, and it is unlikely the Democrats will investigate their own.
The other was a story I heard while on detail from another Border Patrol Agent. That Agent was in New York state, either in Buffalo Sector or Swanton Sector. The Agent said he was manning the phones one day when a “concerned citizen” called in to complain about some illegal aliens working at a local job site. The Agent correctly informed the citizen that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was supposed to do interior enforcement and job site enforcement. He gave the caller a number for ICE.
The next day, the same caller called back angrier than ever. The caller said that ICE was as useless as Border Patrol and no one was doing anything. The Agent patiently explained to the citizen something along the lines of, “This is what you are going to do. You are going to call your congressman. However, you might want to get your friends to also call and complain about the inability of ICE or Border Patrol to do anything. You might have to call them a few times.” A couple of days later, their Patrol Agent In Charge (PAIC pronounced as “pack”) announced at muster that they had been authorized to do an interior work site enforcement this one time. So, they did go down and raid the work site. I forget how many illegal aliens they got, but it was more than two.
The point is that political pressure does make a difference and if you find yourself in line to vote and you are by passed by non-English speakers being bused in with the help of interpreters, then take pictures of people and the license plates of the buses. Do contact your congressman if he/she is a Republican.
Contact local media.
Oh, and do call ICE and make a stink about it there too. Sure, they may not come out since they are cowering in fear of Mayorkas, but some ICE Special Agents are actually upset about the state of affairs under Mayorkas and don't want to spend four more years under him.
Also, think about calling in to local radio shows or anywhere else that you can make your voice heard. Yes, they are getting illegal aliens to vote, and yes, they are blatantly going to try to cheat to get it done.
1-866-DHS-2-ICE (1-866-347-2423)
Keep in mind, this is for the country nationally. Their call center is based in Florida. If you can get a local phone number for ICE, call them too. Harass them into doing their jobs.
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