Guest Workers and 'Refugees' - TG Review 09-25-2023
The United States government is going to extend Temporary Protected Status to an additional 500,000 Venezuelans.
The number of people in the US living under Temporary Protected Status will surpass 1.1 million as a result of this program expansion.
The administration is doing this because it is rapidly approaching its limit of how many people can be admitted under "parole authority" and so DHS needs to shift people to other status categories.
This "reshuffle" of Venezuelans will allow hundreds of thousands more people from Haiti, Central America, Cuba, Egypt and Asia to enter the US.
On top of the many, many, millions of people who have entered the country already.
This Euronews article is all about how Hungarian based 'recruitment firms' are hiring racially foreign, mostly South Asian, workers. To make up for a supposed labor shortage.
More than 700,000 Hungarians live abroad in other parts of Europe.
More than 2 million ethnic Hungarians live across the world in other Western states.
In a sane world 'recuitment firms' and the Hungarian state would be doing all they can to entice these ethnic Hungarians home. Instead tens of thousands of South Asian immigrants are being brought in as "guest workers".
Just ask the Germans and the Dutch if their Turkish and Moroccan guest workers ever left.
"Innocent Isle"
The ethnic Irish share of the population of Ireland has fallen by 11% over the course of the last 16 years.
The native Irish population of Ireland, which had been declining by about 2% every 5 years experienced a three-fold hastening of its decline between 2016 and 2022.
At current pace the ethnic Irish will fall to 56% of their own nation's population within 20 years. And that assumes trends hold and get no worse.
The pace of replacement is astonishing.
What is most noticeable about the Irish situation, however, is how blatantly anti-White it is.
Ireland had decent birthrates and strong economic growth until very recently. Ireland has strong pension funds, and often runs budget surpluses.
The nation does not need immigrants according to any of the usual excuses given by the modern neoliberal state.
The demographic destruction of the Irish nation is transparently political and transparently anti-White.
Oppose the new plantation of Ireland. Ireland can change its future, as we have outlined on our substack before.