By Mike Adams
Elon Musk has, in a matter of 72 hours starting from Friday the 31st of January taken a torch to the rotten edifice of the American state. Upon gaining access to the US governments payment system he immediate tweeted that “USAID is a criminal organization. Time for it to die.”
For those who might not be aware USAID is the United States Agency for International Development, essentially America’s foreign aid pipeline.
There are entertaining rumors that the senior leaders of USAID, now placed on leave, tried to physically block Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) employees from gaining access to their agency’s systems. I hope this is true for the entertainment value alone.
But I digress. Since the time of that tweet on February 2nd we have learned that USAID’s leadership has been dismissed, Secretary of State Marco Rubio is now acting head of the agency, and that its employees have been told to stay home.
USAID has functionally, if not legally, been abolished by Elon Musk. (Note that USAID was created by a John F. Kennedy Executive Order in 1961, rather than by legislation.) I also noticed while researching this piece that the USAID website has been taken offline, which is a shame considering how much incriminating evidence for their ridiculous tax money wasting activities was present on the site. (An archived version from the Trump 1.0 Administration is here.)
Still, I love absolutely everything about what is happening here. USAID was given a budget of $50 billion in fiscal year 2023 and its more than 10,235 employees would cost the American taxpayer roughly $1.3 billion each year in salaries and benefits.
Before continuing on I want to note that I am not at all opposed to an American agency providing other nations and peoples with aid when necessary. Sending food to starving children after a tsunami strikes or funding a team of doctors to help dig civilians out of the rubble after an Earthquake is noble work that the American people overwhelmingly support. What the American people, and certainly no nationalist, should support is the massive socially liberal agenda that USAID has taken it upon itself to promote around the world under the guise of promoting ‘democracy.’
In one USAID policy document I was able to retrieve thanks to the Wayback Machine, the agency outlines how it spends American tax dollars on “sexual and reproductive health” in the Third World. The agency focuses on remarkably nebulous sociological nonsense such as “shifting harmful norms and practices” of other nations and peoples, “increase knowledge and reduce stigma” in other societies and funds “new and improved contraceptive methods” across the globe. I fail to see how any of these things are priorities for the American people. I want as many people to be healthy as possible, but why is it the responsibility of the American taxpayer to “invest in enduring effectiveness” or “advance care systems” in Third World regimes that will take the money and ignore goofy liberal NGO advice anyway?
Worse still USAID has long engaged in attempting to force radical changes to marriage and family structures on other societies. According to USAID’s “LGBT Vision for Action” document the agency has dedicated significant resources to “building capacity for local LGBT organizations in developing countries” and creating “openness and safe spaces” for gay advocates in developing countries. The agency dedicated itself to “integrating LGBT issues into USAID’s work” and its field missions (work on the ground). Perhaps I lack a creative mind, but I fail to see how delivering baby formula, emergency road repair, or chest tubes to the world’s most unfortunate people must also include a rainbow flag and a lecture about gay rights.
The agency’s interventions go beyond social agendas, however. USAID has been accused by multiple governments of funding opposition parties to legitimately elected democratic leaders. Mexico’s former president AMLO accused Biden’s USAID of funding his opposition while El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele tweeted on February 2nd that “Most governments don’t want USAID funds flowing into their countries because they understand where much of that money actually ends up. While marketed as support for development, democracy, and human rights, the majority of these funds are funneled into opposition groups, NGOs with political agendas, and destabilizing movements.” These presidents are right to complain. One 2003 report from USAID titled “Political Party Assistance Policy” lays out how the agency directly funds political parties to the tune of $50,000 per political party, per NGO linked to a party, and per NGO functioning as a political party.
USAID also inadvertently funds terrorist organizations to the tune of tens of millions. In a 2024 case one Syrian national took over $9 million of USAID funds and redirected it to organizations affiliated with longtime American enemy and Islamist organization Al-Qaida.
Then there is a 2024 report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) wherein it is recommended that USAID comprehensively assess and document third-party risks and develop a mechanism for communicating these risks to other agencies. The implication here is that the USAID was not appropriately documenting risks associated with its third-party partners in conflict zones. The report went on to mention that USAID does not follow leading practices for monitoring fraud risk.
The ridiculousness continues. In 2021 an NGO official and citizen of Turkmenistan was sentenced to 40 months in prison for paying bribes for sensitive procurement information of various NGO contracts funded in whole or part by USAID. In short, this Turkman coordinated a bid-rigging scheme in order to procure contracts through USAID and therefore American tax dollars for the benefit of himself and certain NGOs.
Finally, USAID is complicit in funding and promoting the mind-numbing diversity tripe that has led to so much of the motivation behind the Great Replacement in the Western world. A 2024 report by the Center for Immigration studies revealed that the State Department and USAID have sent hundreds of millions of dollars to more than 200 NGOs who have contributed to the United Nation’s Regional Refugee Migrant Response plan. This plan provides, to quote the article “cash debt cards, food, clothing, medical treatment, shelter and even humanitarian transport” to millions of US bound illegal immigrants. USAID was part of a constellation of US government agencies that gave $1.4 billion in 2023-2024 to the United Nation’s agencies overseeing this program of mass migration into the United States.
These USAID funded activities facilitating the Great Replacement are not limited to the United States. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) receives millions upon millions of dollars in USAID funding that is then used to help resettle refugees in Greece, Germany, Italy and throughout Europe. According to the US government, and in large part USAID, has given the IRC more than 462 million dollars in the trailing 12 months alone.
USAID needs a replacement. An agency that puts American interests first, and from a nationalist perspective, uses American foreign aid as a tool to help bring about the Great Repatriation. I plan to write a more in-depth article on a nationalist vision for development policy shortly!
Federal government money should never be spend to aid foreigners.
Decent White folks were forced to organize support for the victims of Hellene. Why should foreigners be treated better than our own? There are all kinds of 'Christian' charities that can send supplied to foreigners in such situations, we don't need *everybody's* money being used for such luxuries.
If America is going to give 'foreign aid' it should produce a dividend for White America.
Anything else is just enslaving White America to produce value for non-White non-Americans.
I'm sure some of USAID's social development spending was nebulous in purpose or ideologically misguided, but I can think of some fairly obvious benefits to promoting "new and improved contraceptive methods" when it comes to, e.g, defusing the African population bomb. There could be a lot more demand for humanitarian disaster relief in the coming decades if that issue isn't solved relatively soon.
In any case, as far as I can tell <10% of USAID's budget could even be plausibly related to wokeness or DEI, so I don't know how DOGE is supposed to justify axing the entire agency.