The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Romania must recognize same-sex (homosexual) unions within three months. Romania retains a right to appeal this decision to a higher ECHR court, but we are not going to hold our breath that another court within the same liberal institution will change its ruling.
The assault on the nuclear family and traditional values continues across the entire West, and no region is feeling the pressure more than Eastern European states which often hold onto a sense of tradition.
The court ruled that not allowing homosexual unions violates Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which protects the right to respect a person's private and family life.
The European Court of Human Rights has taken it upon itself to unilaterally redefine what marriage and family life are, now expanding it to homosexuals in countries where the population had previously refused to undermine the nuclear family.
This court ruling sets a precedent which will affect numerous other countries.
Nations as divergent as Poland and Azerbaijan, Turkey and Estonia, Serbia and Lithuania, would be subject to legal action by homosexual advocacy groups which would surely get similar rulings.
This court ruling builds upon a 2021 decision by the European Court of Justice (a European Union institution) which unilaterally redefined the meaning of family and forced all memberstates to recognize homosexuals with adopted children as a ‘family’ where many nations previously refused to do so.
The European Union is now using that decision to push forward a law which would force memberstates to redefine the meaning of parenthood, and force all European Union member states to allow homosexual adoptions and parental rights whether they originate within the memberstates borders or from abroad.
This new law would even create an Orwellian sounding “European certificate of parenthood” which all memberstates would be obliged to recognize even if their domestic laws contradict the European Union’s artificial definition of a ‘family’.
If homosexual and transgender propogandists cannot convince populations to undermine the family then they will simply win in the courts of liberalism.