Chinese Immigrant Xi Van Fleet On The Woke War On White People
She's Allowed To Say Critical Race Theory Is About Hating Whites
By A Former Border Patrol Agent
I was watching the Megyn Kelly show when she interviewed author Xi Van Fleet, pictured below. (Van Fleet is her married name. Xi grew up in China during Mao’s Cultural Revolution).
Megyn was interviewing Xi about Xi’s book Mao's America: A Survivor’s Warning .
Somewhat to my amazement, Xi said, “Just like today, being white you are guilty. That is the original sin. Instead of wealth, whiteness is the sin.” (Around minute 1:32:50 of the full interview on Rumble or at 1 minute 13 seconds on the YouTube excerpt below:
How interesting that a Chinese immigrant to the United States can see this whereas many white Americans cannot. Xi said that under Mao there were two classes of people. The red class who were regarded as being good (red is the communist color), and the black class who were regarded as being bad. See Wikipedia’s article on the Maoist “Five Black Categories” (黑五类;) which lists them as
Landlords (地主; dìzhǔ)
Rich farmers (富农; fùnóng)
Counter-revolutionaries (反革命; fǎngémìng)
Bad influencers ["bad elements"] (坏分子; huàifènzǐ)
Right-wingers (右派; yòupà
As Xi Van Fleet told a public meeting of the Loudoun County School Board, which you can watch in her interview with Tucker Carlson (around minute 22:00), “The Communist Regime used the same critical theories to divide people. The only difference, they used class instead of race.”
With the bad people in the black class, their sin was generational. So, a newborn child could also be guilty of the sins of their parents.
Xi went on to campaign for Trump. So, maybe some members of the Trump administration are seeing the light that this is a war on white people.
I do find it interesting that a foreigner is able to point out the war on white people. I have been the new kid in school a few times, and it is easy to bully new people when they first arrive in a new environment. The same goes for just about all of us when we were freshman in High School or College. It happens again when we enter the workforce. Sometimes, a dispassionate observer can let you know that the boss, or, supervisor is singling you out unfairly. Being brand new, you might think that you are doing things wrong and screwing up. A different set of eyes can sometimes tell you that, no, you are being singled out. I see that happening with Xi Van Fleet a bit where she is able to see the parallels between Mao’s treatment of people in the black class who then come to America and see the same sorts of things being targeted against white people.
There may be another side to this that is a bit class-based, just like in Communism. The white countries of the world on average do much better than the non-white countries. Why is that? Is it because whites have higher IQs than Hispanics and blacks? Possibly, but then how do you explain that whites have nicer countries than high IQ Asian ones? Simple, white people are racist, and they got where they are by cheating. They enslaved black people. They massacred brown people. They wouldn’t let Chinese people on to what Steve Sailer calls their Magic Dirt. White people must be inherently racist and that explains the success of white nations in general. White people must engage in struggle sessions in order to absolve themselves of their original sin.
Xi is not the first person to have noted the war on whites. Ed Brodow wrote THE WAR ON WHITES: How Hating White People Became the New National Sport and he was interviewed by Jared Taylor on Rumble here.
However, you can almost sense Taylor’s frustration with Brodow while interviewing him. At one point, I almost expected Taylor to say, “Permission to treat the witness as hostile.” Brodow is of the “Democrats are the real racists” type of Republicans. He says, “Why can’t we all just get along?” Well, we’ve been trying that for decades if not centuries, and frankly, just trying to get along has not worked so well. Besides, it is silly to pretend that race doesn’t exist. We notice it immediately about anyone we meet. As liberal satirist Stephen Colbert made fun of Republican “color blindness” by saying, “Now, I don’t see color. People tell me I’m white and I believe them because police officers call me ‘sir.’”
Clearly, everyone does see race.
Of course, there are other conservative authors pushing back on race denialism, and the war on whites. Heather MacDonald’s book When Race Trumps Merit is another one that claims that white people are debasing themselves rather than standing up to the anti-white onslaught.
It’s welcome to see that people are noticing the anti-white animus infecting all of America’s (and Europe’s) institutions. Now, if only there were more people fighting back against it.