A Former Border Patrol Agent
We sort of knew this was going to happen. The long term goal of the Democrats was always to get as many foreigners into the country as possible in any way possible. Their calculation was that once a person is in the country and starts laying down roots, then it becomes very difficult to deport them. Even supposedly hardline law and order types get friendly with some of them and don’t want their friends deported. Just like California went from one of the most conservative Republican states in the union, the hope is to do to the rest of America what they did to California.
I’ve shared this video of Lara Logan before telling what the United Nations is planning for the United States; to flood us with millions of aliens (whether legal or not) in the hopes of destroying the country.
They truly are globalists who want to rule the world.
There truly is a Uniparty of Democrats and the Neocon Republicans fighting to erase American sovereignty, and they weren’t counting on an egotistical billionaire real estate developer to come in and destroy their plans.
Back when George “Dumbya” Bush was in office, Bush tried pushing this agenda by launching the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP). According to Wikipedia:
“The stated goals of the SPP were cooperation and information sharing, improving productivity, reducing the costs of trade, enhancing the joint stewardship of the environment, facilitating agricultural trade while creating a safer and more reliable food supply, and protecting people from disease.”
Hogwash. Notice that there is nothing in that statement about security despite that being the first word in its title.
At the time, I was in south Texas and George “Dumbya” Bush had opened up the border. How did he do it? He simply let the money to put anyone in immigration detention (what we called camp) dry up.
With no funding, we were releasing everyone who was Other Than Mexican (OTMs). We were getting waves of Brazilians, Chinese, and Central Americans coming through. They would chase us down because they knew that they would get released into the United States.
Yes, before Obama and Biden had an open border, George “Dumbya” Bush did. I will never forgive that globalist for what he did.
The older Agents had warned us newer Agents at the time to beware of government funding drying up to put OTMs into camp. I guess it had happened before under Bill Clinton, but I had not been around at the time. Keep in mind that the OTMs were being released, but they still had to be processed with their Alien Files (A-Files) containing paperwork allowing them into the interior of the U.S. We were so busy processing and releasing bodies that we were not out in the field trying to track down and catch illegal Mexican border crossers.
Eventually, things did become so bad and so many Republican voters were upset that Bush pretended like he cared and he visited the border in Arizona, not Texas. Why Arizona? Because they were not getting over run with OTMs. The way it was explained to me was that if you look at a map of Texas and Mexico, south Texas is the farthest point south. If you are a Brazilian and want to minimize your time in Mexico, the fastest way to get to the U.S. border is to go up to the Brownsville, Texas area.
The bad optics caused Bush to sign the Secure Fence Act of 2006 and some border wall started to be built. However, you will never convince me that Bush actually intended to secure the border based on what he had done drying up funding for detention space. As if to prove the point, Bush’s neocon successor, Senator John McCain, released a campaign video saying “Complete The Danged Fence”.
Such strong language Senator! In my eyes, he proved he didn’t mean that when McCain joined on to the Gang of Eight amnesty bill. (Senator Marco Rubio was also part of that and I will never trust him on immigration either, the same goes for Lindsey “Grahamnesty” Graham).
I bring this up over reports that ICE has been releasing illegal aliens who have been arrested recently due to detention facilities becoming overcrowded.
ICE releases some migrant detainees as its detention facilities reach 109% capacity, by Camilo Montoya-Galvez, February 5, 2025
Reports are that Homan was livid about that. It looks like a couple of ICE officials have been reassigned as a result.
2 top ICE officials are reassigned amid Trump administration frustrations over immigration arrests, By Rebecca Santana, Associated Press, February 12, 2025,
It is very difficult to fire civil servant employees of the federal government, but it is extremely easy to reassign them to other duties.
A few years back, I read Tom Homan’s book Defend The Border And Save Lives: Solving Our Most Important Humanitarian and Security Crisis.
In it, Homan complained about the formation of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). When ICE was formed, they took INS Special Agents and Customs Special Agents and put them together under one roof. There was an internal battle between the legacy Customs Special Agents (who focused on narcotics and goods) and the legacy INS Special Agents (who were there just to do immigration). In many ways, the Customs Special Agents won that battle. Whenever immigration became too hot a topic (which is always), then they would simply switch over to doing the customs aspect of the job. Homan actually advocated breaking ICE back up so that the immigration side could focus on just doing immigration enforcement.
Today, I don’t think that Homan would want to do that, at least not right now, because he needs all the manpower he can get deporting what is here today. I wonder if the two reassigned ICE staff members were more from the Customs side of the aisle than the Immigration side.
In the meantime, Trump’s team is a “can do” style of management. If thwarted in one spot, they try again in another way. The idea of using old military bases like Guantanamo Bay to house illegal aliens is a brilliant one.. Unfortunately, a lot of the Pentagon brass does not seem to be on board with that. Hopefully, Pete Hegseth can get them to unf**k themselves (to borrow a military term) and get on board with protecting our country’s borders, not Iraq’s.
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I was just at GITMO. There is plenty of room there. Plenty