By Alejandro C.
On February 7th President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order titled “Addressing Egregious Actions of the Republic of South Africa”. In section one of this executive order the administration cites South Africa’s “shocking disregard of its citizens’ rights” and refers explicitly to the attempts by the country to expropriate the land of its White, namely Afrikaner, population.
The Executive Order also makes mention of South Africa’s treatment of Israel, but that issue is mentioned in a single sentence and is frankly not germane to the wider executive order.
Section two of the EO states:
“Sec. 2. Policy. It is the policy of the United States that, as long as South Africa continues these unjust and immoral practices that harm our Nation:
(a) the United States shall not provide aid or assistance to South Africa; and
(b) the United States shall promote the resettlement of Afrikaner refugees escaping government-sponsored race-based discrimination, including racially discriminatory property confiscation. “
The American state has created a pathway for the resettlement of ethnic Afrikaners, and presumably other White South Africans, into the United States and away from the dysfunctional multicultural landscape of the modern “Rainbow Nation” that is South Africa.
Some Afrikaners will doubtless object to this, and I can understand why. They are attached to their land and its history in the same way any ethnic American is to our own home. Still, there are two things to consider in assessing this executive order from an American perspective:
The first is that in the space of just three weeks in office Donald Trump has effectively created a Westerners only refugee admittance policy to the United States. On his first day in office Trump’s administration issued the “Realigning the United States Refugee Admissions Program” executive order which shut down all refugee admittance into the county.
The shutdown has been so complete that even refugees already approved to relocate to the United States have not been allowed to do so. After decades of governments, international institutions, and individual people ignoring the safe third country/country of first asylum rules of international law it is clearly incumbent upon individual country’s to set refugee admittance policies that work best for them because the international framework has utterly failed.
There are dozens of wealthy proudly Arab states where an Arab refugee from Yemen or the embattled Palestine can find refuge. There are numerous other African or Caribbean proudly Black states where an African can find sanctuary and there are decidedly safe and prosperous Latin American countries where a Hispanic can find safe harbor. What does not exist, or did not exist until now, was a proudly Western country where someone of European descent could find refuge and safe harbor.
Which brings me to the second point to consider in this Afrikaner/White South African refugee admittance policy. The administration is admitting a group of Europeans that men like Thomas Jefferson would have recognized as natural Americans in the making. To quote the third president:
“Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds.”
The Afrikaners are the type of Protestant, Northwestern European, yeomen farmers that served to create the foundational culture which would eventually evolve into the ethnic American way of life (before it was interrupted by the multicultural experiment).
Afrikaners and by extension the Anglo South Africans are exactly the sort of group which use to have and justifiably must have priority for immigration to the United States if this country is to remain recognizably American and recognizably Western in its composition, culture, religion, and law.
Afrikaners will understand the freedoms that Americans cherish. Freedom of speech, the right to private property, the right to bear arms, and a right to a safe and secure community are things that White South Africans have lacked for decades and it is likely they will be willing to reinforce these damaged but not yet destroyed freedoms that ethnic Americans still value.
Every Western people is in a fight for its survival and Americans and White South Africans have a lot in common.
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I think this is a good opportunity to share the stories of what happens before the land is expropriated. Large gangs of blacks come in and commit the savage, brutal and torturous murder and rape. Land expropriation is terrible enough. We should let the Western world know its future in full gruesome detail while this is at the top of the news. I wish our brothers in South Africa well. Perhaps this order is a precursor to a future security agreement with Orania and the White areas of Capetown. Such agreements may be necessary for all of our people across the world someday. This is why it essential that we hold on to and reclaim America. Without her, without Americans sovereign in Ameria, such agreements will be difficult to maintain.
Here is a great conversation by elite Afrikaaners about the challenges that lay in their future. We would do well to spread this to our people here as a stark warning.
I'm glad Trump is drawing attention to the issue, and I agree that Afrikaaners are more likely to be assimilated as upstanding americans than most other populations.
However, I don't especially want the US fostering long-term migration patterns even within majority-white countries. The brain drain (and youth drain) conveyor belt has to be shut down.