By Alex C.
Last night once and current President Donald Trump sat at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office for over an hour, in front of reporters and cameras, signing dozens upon dozens of executive orders implementing wide ranging policy changes in the United States. Some of these orders are well crafted policy directives that president has unquestioned authority to issue, some are proclamations of mere administration intent, and some orders seem purposefully -and intelligently- designed to trigger legal disputes that will make their way to the Supreme Court.
I have read through all of the executive orders (EOs) and proclamations signed last night and I will be doing a broad breakdown of these actions, diving into specificity where necessary, and outlining the great, the good, and the ugly of Trump’s first actions of his second term.
First, though: Trump started the evening of frantic signature scribbling by pardoning more than 1,514 people involved with what the left rather hysterically calls the ‘January 6th Insurrection.’ These men and women, some of whom are still in jail, were released late on Monday and are now headed home. Like many Americans I feel that the president should have done this before the expiration of his term in January of 2021, but it is better that these people are freed, and their convictions erased now rather than never.
(Mostly) Ending Birthright Citizenship
Among the EOs that Trump signed on January 20th was an order that greatly curtailed birthright citizenship in the United States. Titled “Protecting the Meaning and Value of American Citizenship” the president ordered that federal agencies and departments no longer recognize the citizenship of those people born in American to illegal immigrants and temporary visitors or residents.
Basically, Trump limited birthright citizenship only to those foreigners born to a parent with Lawful Permanent Residence (a Green Card).
Children born to illegals, tourists, students, or temporary foreign workers will not be recognized by the federal government as US citizens as of February 20th, 2025.

This executive order is not perfect, covering the children of only 27-30% of immigrants, and does not go as far as I have previously advocated, but there is strategy behind it and as I said in my subtitle: it’s a start!
Trump’s team is aware that this executive order will be immediately challenged in the courts and will, likely swiftly, make its way up to the Supreme Court. By not attempting to limit the birthright citizenship of children of green card holders the Trump team is narrowing the scope and making the order more likely to be upheld by the conservative Supreme Court. This is clear to me in the fact that the order itself mentions the origin of the 14th amendment being to extend citizenship to African Americans (which is true). I see this addition to the EO as an attempt to appeal to conservative heavyweight and African American justice Clarence Thomas.
There are future implications for nationalist policy-making as well. If the executive order is upheld by the Supreme Court, it would pave the way for future repatriation policies to be implemented. Congress could – if in theory only for now – pass legislation to denaturalize any person born to illegal or temporary immigrants in the United States. With as many as 28% of all Hispanic children in the United States born to illegal aliens this EO could set the stage for a future administration to denaturalize 5,320,000 people under 18 born to illegal immigrant parents. If the denaturalization were to extend to adults born to illegal aliens as many as 6,634,300 more people of immigrant descend could be denaturalized and returned to their country of origin.
Policymaking is a process and Trump’s birthright citizenship executive order is a start. Nationalists must push future right wing administrations to build upon this EO rather than declare the project of reclaiming America from mass immigration as complete.
The Border
The most common theme of Trump’s slate of executive orders was in dealing with the Southern Border and the illegal immigrant invasion taking place at our frontiers.
The president started by “Declaring a National Emergency At The Southern Border of the United States” so that the Department of Defense, its personnel, and its funding, are made available in tackling the illegal immigration crisis. Most notably section two of the declaration of national emergency states:
“Sec. 2. Additional Physical Barriers. The Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security shall immediately take all appropriate action, consistent with law, including 10 U.S.C. 2214, to construct additional physical barriers along the southern border. To the extent possible, the Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security shall coordinate with any Governor of a State that is willing to assist with the deployment of any physical infrastructure to improve operational security at the southern border.”
The Trump administration is smart in bringing in willing governors, such as Greg Abbott of Texas, in deploying physical infrastructure and personnel from multiple levels of government. This maintains a state-level investment in the border and keeps to the traditionally American principle of federalism.
Most notable is that this executive order will restart wall construction, something that any nationalist should be passionately committed to. Walls work.
The president further extended the military’s role in securing the border through the “Clarifying the Military’s Role in Protecting the Territorial Integrity of the United States” executive order. This EO orders the Secretary of Defense to rework the operational priorities of United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) so as to focus on “sealing the borders … by repelling forms of invasion including unlawful mass immigration, narcotics trafficking …” and includes mention of maintaining steady-state infrastructure along the frontiers of the United States. I presume this refers to physical infrastructure such as barriers. (During the first Trump Administration, Trump was told repeatedly by generals that putting troops on the border would somehow violate the Posse Comitatus Act, designed to prevent the Army from being used on Americans. This is wrong—defending borders is what armies are for.)
Finally, there is the “Securing our Borders” executive order which in relation to the border:
“It is the policy of the United States to take all appropriate action to secure the borders of our Nation through the following means:
(a) Establishing a physical wall and other barriers monitored and supported by adequate personnel and technology;
(f) Cooperating fully with State and local law enforcement officials in enacting Federal-State partnerships to enforce Federal immigration priorities; and
(g) Obtaining complete operational control of the borders of the United States.”
The order goes on to authorize the Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security to construct both temporary and permanent border barriers to gain operational control over the entirety of the Southern border and to deploy the amount of personnel necessary to achieve this goal.
As for illegal aliens already in the United States the “Protecting the American People Against Invasion” EO issues orders to the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General to prioritize the capture and prosecution of anyone who has broken the law by entering the country illegally and in particular those illegal aliens who have committed violent crimes after their entry into the United States.
This executive order also expands the spirit of cooperation with states seen in the declaration of national emergency be creating Federal Homeland Security Task Forces (HSTFs) in each of the 50 states to be comprised of federal immigration officials as well as state government and local law enforcement representatives. States that want to get rid of illegal aliens at a more rapid pace will apparently have the option to do so.
This is heavily in line with White Papers recommendations on states taking up the mantle of immigration enforcement:
The executive order goes further in allowing the Secretary of Homeland Security to deputize state and local law enforcement officials to carry out the duties of immigration officers, including the apprehension and detention of illegal aliens in the respective states.
It is not just the domestic 50 states that the EO tackles, though. The executive order makes it quite clear that the Secretary of State is to put the acceptance of deportees by foreign countries at the front of any bilateral negotiations with foreign countries. Foreign countries that do not accept deportees in a timely fashion will be subject to sanctions, quote:
“(b) Eliminate all documentary barriers, dilatory tactics, or other restrictions that prevent the prompt repatriation of aliens to any foreign state. Any failure or delay by a foreign state to verify the identity of a national of that state shall be considered in carrying out subsection (a) this section, and shall also be considered regarding the issuance of any other sanctions that may be available to the United States.”
The final positive note of the EO is that the president has ordered the Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland security to not only cut off funding to sanctuary jurisdictions (when applicable in law) but to use criminal and civil law to undue sanctuary city and state policies by going after public officials that interfere with immigration enforcement. This has been a longstanding priority of incoming Border Czar Tom Homan.
Unfortunately, this is where the positive aspects of this executive order end. The president failed to suspend Parole Authority, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), Employment Authorization, and any number of other temporary protections for immigrants which that Biden administration has handed out to millions of illegals. Instead, the President merely ordered that these pathways for illegal aliens be used on a “case-by-case basis” and in the spirit of the plain language of the law. In other words, the use of these authorities will be massively curtailed but will remain. Something that any American nationalist should find deeply unsatisfactory. A house with no doors or windows is still incomplete and unsound structure, after all.
But this is not the only executive order dealing with immigration. If we return to the “Securing our Borders” executive order there are numerous sections relevant to not only the deportation of illegal aliens but their mass deportation.
The EO states, in part:
“Sec. 5. Detention. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall take all appropriate actions to detain, to the fullest extent permitted by law, aliens apprehended for violations of immigration law until their successful removal from the United States. The Secretary shall, consistent with applicable law, issue new policy guidance or propose regulations regarding the appropriate and consistent use of lawful detention authority under the INA, including the termination of the practice commonly known as “catch-and-release,” whereby illegal aliens are routinely released into the United States shortly after their apprehension for violations of immigration law.”
The executive order also issues instructions for migrants caught at the border to be immediately returned to Mexican territory, for the CBP One app to be shut down, and for the categorical parole programs for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans to end. Trump further stated during his press conference that he intended to force Maduro to take any back any recent Venezuelan immigrants to the United States.
Trump repeats what most nationalists should view as a mistake in the “Realigning the United States Refugee Admissions Program” executive order by failing to entirely curtail the refugee admissions functions of the federal government. While section three of the executive order states that the United States Refugee Admissions Program shall be suspended on January 27th, 2025 the same executive order goes on to clarify that the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security may continue to admit aliens as refugees at the discretion of their departments.
I can only describe this as nonsensical considering that Trump has made constant correct complaints about the entrenched left wing and liberal biases of the federal governments institutional civil servants. He even signed an executive order to this effect titled “Restoring Accountability to Policy-Influencing Positions Within the Federal Workforce.”
The president and his team are deeply misinformed or far too trusting if they believe that this same corrupt federal bureaucracy will not make every small immigration issue into an issue of paramount national security and get as many “case-by-case” refugees and parolees into this country as possible.
In this regard the president’s administration is doing good but fails to live up to what could be described as nationalist policy preferences on the issue of immigration. The immigration system must be shut down in its entirety and a moratorium put in place.
A War on Cartels
One of the final executive orders Trump signed was the “Designating Cartels and Other Organizations as Foreign Terrorist Organizations and Specially Designated Global Terrorists” to enable the United States to bring the capabilities of the Department of Homeland Security to bear against these organizations that kill hundreds of thousands of Americans, and in particular White Americans (who form Trump’s base and the core Historic American Nation) each year.
Trump also said during the lengthy press conference where he signed this EO in front of the cameras that it was possible US Special Forces would be sent in to engage the cartels on Mexican soil.
While many nationalists, populists, and other right-wingers may jump at the idea of and my first instinct is to cheer this as well. However, until the United States has fully secured the border I would caution against violating Mexican sovereignty to go after cartels for the sole reason that reprisals in the United States may occur if we have not tackled the domestic presence of cartels and illegal aliens connected to those cartels as a first priority.
Diversity Diverted
The days of deliberate diversity hiring and anti-White prejudice as a point of policy are, if only temporarily, done in the halls of the federal government. The “Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing” executive order diverts federal government attention away from what is best categorized as anti-White racial preferences and reestablishes a traditionally Western meritocratic system for the hiring of federal government civic servants.
Section 2 of the executive order states in part:
“Sec. 2. Implementation. (a) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), assisted by the Attorney General and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), shall coordinate the termination of all discriminatory programs, including illegal DEI and “diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility” (DEIA) mandates, policies, programs, preferences, and activities in the Federal Government, under whatever name they appear. … Federal employment practices, including Federal employee performance reviews, shall reward individual initiative, skills, performance, and hard work and shall not under any circumstances consider DEI or DEIA factors, goals, policies, mandates, or requirements.”
The EO goes on to mandate the elimination of environmental justice initiatives, the abolition of diversity officer positions, any plan or program to do with equity, and to require that federal agencies and departments do a comprehensive review of the past cost of all DEI related programs. Presumably so that Trump can see how much money he is saving the American taxpayer by doing away with DEI related initiatives.
The curtailing of leftist diversity mania does not stop there, however. Trump also issued the “Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truck to the Federal Government” executive order.
Not only does this executive order attack the very premise of gender ideology:
“Efforts to eradicate the biological reality of sex fundamentally attack women by depriving them of their dignity, safety, and well-being. The erasure of sex in language and policy has a corrosive impact not just on women but on the validity of the entire American system”
But the executive order makes clear that the federal government will no longer engage in the false belief that gender is a social construct and that the federal government will no longer recognize the falsehood of sexual transitioning:
“Sec. 2. Policy and Definitions. It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female. These sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality.”
These policy changes mark a significant first step in the reversal of radical and anti-human ideological positions largely pushed by the transhuman agendas of third-wave feminism in the West. Human beings are not, as Mary Harrington, author of Feminism Against Progress, pointed out, “Meat Lego“ with parts that can be interchangeable like a “meat avatar” but are instead immutably formed with sex based brains, bodies, and psychologies from the moment of birth.
One area where this executive order falls short on the gender issue is that it champions single-sex spaces for women as enshrined in the Civil Rights act of 1964 but says nothing about the rapid dissolution of single-sex spaces for men, a development that is contributing to the remarkably loneliness epidemic amongst Americans.
Many male-only spaces have been shut down by the small minority of angry feminist women who think that any exclusive gathering of males is inherently evil. In 2008 a 101-year old German American society shut down after Connecticut courts ruled they could no longer bar women from the organization. This has been going on since 1970, when a Manhattan bar, McSorley’s Old Ale House, was forced by a court to end its 116-year tradition of being a men’s only drinking establishment.
People Feminist Majority Foundation are more concerned with what men are doing in bars than they are with illegal immigrant crime against women.
If the Trump administration is going to protect the unique rights and privileges of women to single-sex spaces (as it should) then it should also take up the torch for defending male-only spaces and the broader American tradition of freedom of association that DEI style initiatives since the 1965 Civil Rights act have slowly dissolved over time.
Freedom of Speech
The final area of executive action worth exploring is the once and current president’s attempts to restore freedom of speech to the American people.
The executive order titled “Restoring Freedom of Speech and Ending Federal Censorship” has a few core objectives:
“ Sec. 2. Policy. It is the policy of the United States to: (a) secure the right of the American people to engage in constitutionally protected speech;
(b) ensure that no Federal Government officer, employee, or agent engages in or facilitates any conduct that would unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen;
(c) ensure that no taxpayer resources are used to engage in or facilitate any conduct that would unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen; and
(d) identify and take appropriate action to correct past misconduct by the Federal Government related to censorship of protected speech.
Sec. 3. Ending Censorship of Protected Speech. (a) No Federal department, agency, entity, officer, employee, or agent may act or use any Federal resources in a manner contrary to section 2 of this order.”
Through these policies Trump plans not only to end the government’s attempts to end freedom of speech through tackling “misinformation” but to essentially establish a truth and reconciliation style investigation into past state attempts at limiting the speech of Americans, especially online speech.
Related to this EO is another titled “Ending the Weaponization of the Federal Government” which seeks to end and rectify past federal government actions such as unjust lawfare, law enforcement targeting of individuals, and the weaponization of the intelligence community against Americans.
Other executive actions tackled the cost-of-living crisis (in no real detail), federal hiring, leaving the WHO, rolling back environmental policies put in place by the left, and mandating that federal employees return to work.
This slate of executive actions represents undoubtable progress on immigration, national security, and our fundamental freedoms as Americans. It also opens up future action by yet more nationalist pro-America administrations while at the same time falling short on the immigration and refugee moratoria that this country so desperately needs. The slate of executive orders could have been clearer about mass deportations as well.
The second Trump administration is off to a much better start than the first and I will be watching how its policy initiatives evolve.
We applaud what Trump and his administration has done these first two days. We implore him to make this an opening salvo and to do much more to restore Heritage Americans as the overwhelming majority population and to abolish the anti-White regime and banish its purveyors in every public and private institution in Our country. Thank you for this summary.